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advice needed

findingserenity's picture

sd20 and I dont get along.shes husband adopted daughter from bm. she say stupid shit that if her daddy and I die, she will get our son, and my son is not even 6 months old.she always say that, then told husband to make a will and make her the guardian. she even included her mom as she had dreamed her mom got custody of our kids. were not close, I dont trust her at all. and I told her I dont wanna talk about mine and her daddys death. shez so obsess with my son.thank god, she lives 3 hours away from us. as for bm, I feel she wants husband back but husband isnt interested at all. sd20 lives with her bf now but they move out so they stay with her bf dad house.she wants us to go visit her, husband offered to gas money so she can come down instead to visit, but she refused. I told her straight Im not comfortsble hanging with her mom so im not going to her mom house. she knew that but kept pushing. husband is stressed out.

Orange County Ca's picture

Husband stressed? Tough. It's his kid and his problem. If he wants to go he goes you stay. End of discussion.

Quit worrying about where your kid is going to end up. Just write up who you want the kid to live with - make your husband sign it. Since it will be the only document with both of your signatures on it - it will be the one that tells any court your last wishes. Sleep easy.

DON'T tell the 20yo. Let her mouth off here and there while you secretly smile.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

You poor dear. This SD sounds like a nightmare. I would keep away from her and keep her away from my child if I were you. Your husband needs to learn to deal with her. Please read lots of different posts on this site. You will find good advice in all the different stories. There is another site my daughter reads that is about dealing with in laws and Families of Origins...
She has found lots of advice for coping with situations and helping communicate with her husband better on these issues. Since you have a new baby this may be a good resource for you along with Steptalk.
Just keep to your principles. You do not need to hang out with your husbands ex wife. His child with her is grown. There is really no reason you ever need to be around her unless you attend a wedding, or other event where the paths cross. Even then you only need to do that if you are comfortable to do so. Listen to your instincts.
As for the SD20...with the stuff she says about getting your baby and her mom getting your kids... F that. Tell your DH to put a stop to that kind of talk now.
It is unacceptable. She is treating you like you don't exist. Nip it in the bud now and if necessary just keep her away from you. You don't need that kind of stress while you are dealing with a new baby.
Best wishes. Stay strong!

findingserenity's picture

shes hateful and sly. can I say manipulative? assband mom didnt even trust her and told assband to keep an eye on her. I stay away from her and keep my kids away from her too. shes giving assband hard time though.i just dont understand why assband wont go visit her himself.his daughter, his problem.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Your husband just needs to explain that travelling with your son is a lot harder for him (note I said HIM not you, he should not mention you), and that he will sent her a ticket to come down so can she please send him the dates she can travel so he can send the ticket. End of story. No further discussion.