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passport issue

bendetti21's picture

ok my sd's bm after getting supeona'd got a passport for her 8yr old daughter. now the bf my fiance, wasn't listed as father on birth certificate at the time. this is why he did the papers to be given those rights and leagal custody. the kid is with us full time and her mom has the passport. but the hook is, that bm just married her african boyfriend and claims he is a prince there and to top it off is a pilot of some kind. this makes us concerned about the kid leaving the country.
we already called our lawyer and he said it would cost $1100 to go to court and may not get it revoked or taken away. and we called the passport people and they said we needed a court order. But i don't trust them since they already mentioned taking her to london and we said no.the only good thing is the sd cant leave the country without our consent. but if he is actually the prince and they take her to africa theres no us- africa aliance.

we already asked for the passport the deadbeat bm, said she would give it if we paid for it the whole $85. i told her to kiss my ass.

but there has to be something we can do. i just can't find any info out there to help me. anyone got any ideas.

Anon2009's picture

Keep talking to your lawyer. Do a people search on this boyfriend of BM's. You can do them on the internet at a relatively inexpensive price. You can dig up all sorts of information on her boyfriend/fiance/husband that way.