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Here we effin go again.

FrickenFrackenBleep's picture

The short version: My husband has 2 kids that live in MN, we live in TX. Ex is a hot mess. We filed contempt of court on her because she wasn't allowing him webcam access to the kids as stated in the decree. Had mediation and agreed verbally to alternate times for webcam - NEVER went to the court with the new webcam times. And then she didn't stick by the new times that she asked for. We agreed to these new times because we thought she would abide by them. She didn't. We ended up having to cancel COC for money reasons and assumed we were back to square one with the original webcam times. She disagrees. She is not allowing him webcam at the times stated in the decree. She will only allow him webcam at the times that she verbally agreed which is when he works which means he hasn't had webcam for 2 weeks. In the decree it states that any alternate agreement has to be in writing. Nothing was in writing. And even if it were, my husband no longer agrees to it because he has to work during the alternate times.

Any ideas? Is she right or are we?

Oi Vey's picture

You are.
But that doesn't mean she'll abide by it, and if you can't afford to take her to court, you're sadly SOL.

You can file COC without an attorney, though...

Anon2009's picture

I think you're right too, but keep talking to your attorney about this so you can know which legal actions to take. Also ask your attorney about recording chats with BM and keep every email to and from her. Print them all off and build a paper trail on her. That can be helpful in court.