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Canadian Courts and Procedures

Ava 84's picture

I am tired of the hoops and the bull that we are having to jump through. Before court, we tried counselling to work with the BM; she only redirected the issues from custody to her problems and nutjob theories. Then we tried mediation; again she spent FOUR 'EFFIN HOURS crying and whining... Then we tried a "child specialist and divorce coach;" who basically played a go-between for the BM's whining to us, as at this point we are 4 years in and had stopped listening to her made-up complaints. Then we get a really good lawyer who says: "get a section 15 custody and access report done and she won't be able to refute anything further." Well, WRONG!!!! she is now refuting the goddamn report itself (done by a highly regarded Psychologist who did extensive studies and sessions with all parties involved!!). And the BM says she doesn't like the report and what it says. (Because it gives us, the BF and stepmom all the same rights as what she has). So now we are supposed to wait another 6-8 months for a trial date, where all this shit is going to be dragged up again???? oh, btw, the report cost $13,000 and we have spent over $25,000 in the past 4.5 years just trying to get equal access!!!! Does this sound insane to anyone else???? We just want the same responsibility as her! and we have a stable home, incomes, etc. and are good people. She just doesn't want to loose the power and money having the child all the time brings her. She is selfish and a bad mom. She isn't putting the needs of her kid first and now she wants to extend this again! I am so sick and tired of her shinanigans, and the canadian courts and law system just seem to be happy raking in the money from us trying to fight for the child!!!

misSTEP's picture

Sorry to say, but it is exactly issues like this that show the need for the Family Court system to be overhauled. Obviously it is needed in Canada as well as the US.

ecgirl's picture

I'm in Canada too, and this is part of why I think my FDH is such a pushover when it comes to standing up to the BM's. We don't have the funds to take them to court because they would do the exact same things. Sad

And I so agree with misSTEP, the family court system is horrible.