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WTF...Is this normal???

pissedstepmom11's picture

Is it normal for a almost 13 yr old boy to be such a "daddy's boy" and anti social to kids his own age??? SS NEVER had even close to any kind of friendship all through elementary school. My opinion hes a spoiled MEAN brat and kids shied away from him. Second he's at least 3 or 4 years younger acting than his peers.

In middle school SS started talking about "friends" kids that actually had names and even went over to a few school functions with these new friends. Now SS started a new school in middle school and the kids did not know him and his weird habits the reason I think he made a few friends. I was hopefully that finally this kid would get friends and not be so needy for daddy 24/7 and MAYBE I would be able to talk to DH once in awhile when SS was over. Well my hope was short lived. Yes SS STILL talks about these few friends BUT it never developed past hanging out at school, a few text messages or call  a week, and maybe a school function once every few months. SS has NO desire to have any of these kids over or go over to their house. Yes We have asked a number of times. All SS wants to do when he's over is hang all over DH.

My nephew is around the same age and he will have his friends over a "gaming" night. Where they will lock themselves down in basement playing video games and my sister won't seen any of them till morning. I can't imagine SS ever doing something like that.

tog redux's picture

Have you asked this question before, or do we have a slew of 13-year-old boys who hang on their fathers?

Yes, he's young for his age and socially awkward. So what does DH do about it? Does he have a therapist? Does DH make him participate in activities? Does he set limits on him hanging on him? Does he insist that he invite a friend over?

pissedstepmom11's picture

DH having no balls to say no! See my old posts. DH does nothing think he's afraid of hurting SS 's feelings. Yes SS has a therapist what good she's done which is not much.DH has tried to push SS into sports but SS really has no interest. NO DH has not pushed the issue of having a friend over.

fourbrats's picture

that SS find a D and D group or some other table top gaming group. Or an activity that more matches what his interests are and where he can make friends from outside of school. Science club, robotics, theater? Lego club? Or even clubs at school. 

This is an age where kids are either social butterflies or completely awkward. There isn't much middle ground. 


Thisisnotus's picture

It seems normal around here for kids of divorced parents and now in step families.....but then I ask myself....why are my own 3 kids who have a step dad and a step mom not like this? And the answer is that my exH has no signs of guilty Disney daddy......which seems to be the reason behind all of the shitty step kid behavior.

i know for a fact that before DH divorced BM the sd12 had friends.....she now hasn’t seen a friend outside of school in years.....

tog redux's picture

Yes, this. These parents worry about traumatizing the kids with a divorce, but they really traumatize them with their crap parenting AFTER the divorce.

Kids can't raise themselves.  Left to their own devices, kids generally don't turn out very well.  It's such a selfish act to ruin your kid's life because you feel afraid the kid will love the other parent more if you dare to set limits on them.