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what could this behavior be?

mary hernande's picture

Im very concerned. my step daughter is 4 1/2. she is an only child. I have been in her life for two years. She lives with her mother but visits on every other weekend. She goes to catholic preschool. she goes to dance class. on paper she seems to have a very ordinary life but her behaviors are a little "weird" to say the least. At parties she will not play with children. She is socially awkward, not shy, but disturbing. she will only play with children one on one. even at school. on halloween she refused to go into the room where the 16 other kids were playing at a party. she stayed in the kitchen in the dark coloring in a book and eating candy. she has several imaginary friends. i understand that having AN imaginary friend is not weird for an only child who feels lonely but she has at least 6. she has been caught dancing nude, at points gyrating like a stripper and when questioned she says im practicing for my naked dance parties with all my friends when i grow up. she claims her imaginary friends are watching her. she walks around naked all the time. she tells people about her "naked dance parties" with her imaginary friends. Im embarrassed when she does, im confused and im worried. any input guys??? i dont know what to think and all y thoughts on this are not good ones. HELP!!! thank you so much for your time.

Anon2009's picture

I think this behavior is a cry for help.

You say your SD is shy. Some of what you said sounds a little like autism, especially about her reserved manner around other kids.

What you said about her being naked and gyrating like a stripper have me worried. Has BM ever partied around her? Was she (SD) sexually abused? You should google the signs of sexual abuse in children to see if she meets any of those signs.

giveitago's picture

Often kids will mimic what they see, maybe the child got a sneak peek at some pornography? Kids are curious by nature!! An imaginary friend is not so far fetched if she is a shy child. I'd give it some time, encourage her towards more positive things to do and give her some extra 'nice' things to think about. Often kids have their own interpretation of what they see, she's still very young. I do not like sticking labels on kids, I'd give her some time to use her imagination more productively. Spend one on one time with her and see if the 'friends' fade into history. Very young kids play 'side by side' initially, rather than 'together' so there's still time. Now that you are aware you have a better chance of dealing with her. I'd seek some advice from someone 'in the know', I am not a professional when it comes to kids and psychology etc. Hang in there though!!