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UnFairness, Health & Joy

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Hello Fellow Steps

I have some questions that I am currently asking myself, and they seem to be helping me lighten up. Here are just a few. Maybe they can help someone like you too. And if you like, please feel free to comment.

1. Are you feeling that you are being treated unfairly? [ I say, "YES! ]

2. Are you experiencing any health concerns because of being consistently treated unfairly? [ I say, Yes. Chronic fatigue ]

3. How are you taking care of your health while being treated unfairly? [ I am identifying that I feel miserable about the way I have been treated in the step-situation I created. But I am looking into Mickle Therapy. Getting professional yet restful and restorative massages. And I am stretching my body more. I am also honoring and creating what FIRST brings me and THEN others Joy. - HA! I suppose that if I vanished, the children would feel some temporary Joy. And I probably would too! ]

4. How well does feeling Joy help in overcoming UnFairness? [ It heals everything! ]

Written and Sent off into the Air with Joy!