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Teen sd wants dh to divorce me or hes blocked

Jackielynn2000's picture

SM of 2 girls ages 14 & 16. I met them at 3&5. Love at first sight for their dad and then instantly fell in love with them when we met. Things were wonderful. Perfect actually. Great co parenting. We use to label each other as theblended family like no other-well i got too close to bm. Things went sour shortly after taking a job together. Kids started acting out and she no longer backed us. Court order was EOW but they came much more. She made our wedding special because she put positive thoughts in their brain. Now that she hates us and we have an "ours" toddler now they have become very distant angry and jealous. Sd14 rarely visits up until about 6 months ago. She occasionally calls dh and I but recently blocked him because we said no to her staying at our house for a week while her mom and sister go on a vacation she doesn't want to go on. They both lash out in disrespect to us if they don't get what they want. But who cares if no consequences right? Sd16 has hated me for going on 3 years now. Visits dh separately. Met our daughter once. Blames me for the reason she doesn't know her sister but yet refuses counseling or to even speak to me. Hates me with a vengeance.i dont understand why so angry 3 years of no contact at all. Told my dh recently if he stands up for me one more time shes done-so again blocked him and says shes done(done this before to him). Zero co parenting with dh and bm for years now. I find it sad and have no resolution on what to tell my dh or what to do as I feel for my dh. We agreed we would do things differently with ours daughter and not put them through so much stress no matter what if we break up or what. These kids constantly suspended and have so much drama at home. Cops use to be there often. Bm recently divorced and left stepdad whom they hated. They are making him choose me or them as they say they are "blood" and apparently I want him all to myself. So many negative insults about me yet they don't even speak to me. The jealousy is

Almost scary to me. I ruined sd16s life? She says she was recently diagnosed with HF autism so therefor she says thats why she has attitude and anger issues? So she says. I know this is no longer my issue. We are very happy. We have good jobs, a nice house, very happy healthy toddler and I think it enrages them that they don't have that-but why not want to join us? Why push me aside refuse to speak to me yet accuse me of ruining their life? Saying im a manipulative  narcissist? I'm hurt but since 3 years has gone by I've learned to accept the new norm. Last time I tried to reach out to sd16 she had her mom call cps on me saying im the reason she wants to kill herself. She told dh recently she's going to "be great and successful and he will miss it all". Its like either kiss my ass and see her seperate excluding me and our little or hes deleted for life. Its just outrageous to me am I wrong?

tog redux's picture

No, you aren't wrong. Your DH needs to stop allowing these kids to abuse him and you from a distance.

I'm not clear when things went south, but it sounds like it happened once you had another child.  Focus on your family and let these girls go, but put up firm boundaries so you don't have to listen to BM's venom coming from their mouths. 

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you. Sd16 has blocked dh several different occasions the last 3-4 years and then they end up talking again but just brushing the past under the rug. She also told cps her father and I locked her outside during the winter-then later admitted the lie. I know he loves her dearly but feels lost on how to handle it. I have to remind him to have boundaries. You should see the text messages. No respect at all. I wish I could respond and say who TF are you talking to???

tog redux's picture

He needs to do that. He needs to say that he won't continue to talk to her if she's being disrespectful and then not respond. 

I have seen those kind of messages, my SS used to send them to my DH while he was alienated. My DH's approach was to challenge the lies and attitude, which usually shut my SS down (but my SS is passive and wimpy, lol).

Your DH should not allow his kids to abuse him just to maintain a relationship. It gives them the wrong message. 

Jackielynn2000's picture

My dh used to forward the messages to bm and say look how disrespectful she is(bm has blocked him on and off as well) and bm would totally defend the behavior saying there's nothing wrong with the texts!

tog redux's picture

See, that shows (on his part) a fundamental misunderstanding of what is going on.  BM is behind these texts - maybe not directly, but she's gotten them to abuse DH by proxy, on her behalf (this is all unconscious for all of them). 

He needs firm boundaries with BM.  She's a big part of this problem.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Oh we both know for sure bm is 100%in their heads. When I was friends with bm she too always had some big drama issue with a co worker, friend, blocked many family members. She would come to work so angry and yelling many mornings. She isn't happy. She hates us. She probably over shares adult emotions to the kids making them feel even more committed and guilty.  We dont know if dh is blocked from bm currently but I already know how she thinks by befriending her. You hurt her she will hurt you and she uses the kids to do so. I know its a losing battle. They got pregnant within 3 weeks of meeting at a bar, then stayed together snd did it again. It was a disaster to begin with.

eminem's picture

This carryon will go on and on for years ,they never learn they are always the victim they are always the ones done hard by .Their lives resolve around drama and the will create so much of and make out its all your fault .

They dont have any respect for anyone in their lives .Your hubby will prob get back talking to her and he will end up appologising for something he didnt do ,than they will play happy families for a while than something will kick off and back to square one .

The best thing for you is to not talk about her to your hubby and if he brings the subject up just say i dont want to know about her let her on ,she cant win the game unless your playing 

Rags's picture

The only thing you are wrong about is caring about these failed prior family breeding experiments.


Cut toxicity out of your life.  You, DH and your little one are the only people that matter.

Good luck.  Take care of you and your family.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you all. I guess for the past 10 years I've tried to fix any situations. Bm and I have been partners for so long and now I'm scum on the road. My dh is at a loss and I just tell him dont respond-i mean the last thing they both texted him was "dont call or text me again". Ok so dont respond! Seems they want him to beg. Im still hurt. I want my daughter to know her family but not if im pushed aside. Its odd sd16 expects dh to bring our daughter to her without me?  The logic just isn't there.

BethAnne's picture

Sadly we're just the easy targets most of the time for these angsty teens. In addition their mother's adding on their jelously and hatred in our direction and not keeping that hiden from their children makes us a bigger target.

It is just as when we write about our woes on this website most of our problems are to do with our partner and yet the easy targets are the kids and so you see people here. complain about thier step kids a lot more than they'll complain about their partner.

These kids are angry, they are fustrated, they are teens. They want to have what other's have with their parents together and happy, they want to have stable mothers who are not in and out of bad relationships and having dealings with the police. Plus they have usual teen angst and a developmental drive to rebel. All of these things combine with mother's who paint themselves the poor victims and actively encourage hatred of the other household.

Then if our partners do not properly address these behaviors and allow the children to act disrespectfully and allow the kids to switch houses at will such that the children are the ones running the custody schedule  these behaviors and thoughts are reinforced and are not given an opportunity to be challenged.

I'm not sure that I have any answers as to how to address this. I am dealing with my own (less extream for now) version of this with my SD13. Her attitude towards me has switched in the last couple of years. Fortunately for us we have a long distance custody schedule and have SD during the school year so she is here for long stretches of time and we can counter some of ther mother's rhetoric with our consistent actions. I'm hoping that once we are through these teen years she will see that we were there for her and supported her even when she was trying to push back.

Jackielynn2000's picture

I 100% agree. I know my husband is a push over. We used to be the "Disneyland dad" house spoiling them every visit. No chores no rules. I admit I'm guilty on that too. I enjoyed the fun weekends im not going to lie. Sd16 also mentioned she used to be the "favorite" and now he no longer cares. She was into sports and more of a town boy so naturally I think that's why she thought that. They had more in common so they hung out more. I think my dh is so afraid to "loose" them or hurt their feelings that for so long it was always fun and games. Their mom used to back us with bad behavior but that stopped maybe 4 years ago.  A lot of time my dh was on the back burner. They constantly switched schools doctors, they would watch violent shows at a young age-basically he wasn't 100% included with co parenting. I want to do it different this time for ours. I want to make sure no matter what she gets 50/50 mom and dads decisions as a strong team.

PetSpoiler's picture

I'm sorry you're dealing with this.  It's probably BM filling their heads with nonsense.  I would not allow dh to take your little one to see them without you.  No relationship with the parents equals none with the kid.  Both parents.  They want no contact, well give them what they want.  They're no longer your problem.  They probably won't change.  People like that rarely do.  

My two have no relationship with SS.  He's their half brother and it's sad but he chose to be a lying ingrate.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  My SS never openly excluded me, as in telling dh not to bring me around or something.  He knew better. He knew that dh wouldn't come to anything I wasn't welcome to.  He excluded me quietly.  He would say he thought of me as mom and wanted me to be grandma to his child, but his actions said otherwise.  He and his wife wanted the appearance of the big happy family without putting any effort into being one.  I stepped back and gave him all the space then.  It's been about two years since we talked to them, other than SDIL randomly hollering hey how are you to me and my son at the high school football game a few weeks ago.  I told her we're fine then I walked away.  My kids don't ask about him, they haven't expressed any desire to see him or the baby, and I doubt they will.  SS didn't make any effort with them either and for that I am grateful.  He had my daughter's phone number and rarely if ever tried to contact her before we stopped talking.  I went ahead and blocked him on her phone and mine.  Who knows, maybe he's jealous of my bios for some unknown reason.  Don't know, don't care.  It's his problem, not mine, not my kids.  In my case it wasn't BM but SDIL who turned SS against us, mainly me and the kids.  He wanted dh around to play happy grandpa so he played nice to my face.  SDIL's father had died before the baby was born or they probably would have ignored dh too.  

shamds's picture

You toddler's harmonious home life out of spite??

i have been married to my husband almost 7 yrs and known him over 8.5yrs. We have a 4 & 5 yr old and he has sd27, ss23.5 and sd17. The 2 sd's had cut off contact with my husband and their brother (who lived with my husband since divorce) and only reconnected with their dad mid 2018 (5.5 yrs no contact).

they were rude/disrespectful, always answering back, always thought they made the decisions regarding our 2 kids from the first day we met them and even 3rd visit later they were attempting to supercede my authority regarding my 2 kids to which the first time they dared answering me back was met with a NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo. Hubby backed me up immediately and told his daughters what i say goes regarding our 2 kids and you don't answer back.

my husband tried many times to initiate meets with them and everytime like clockwork they cancelled or made last minute changes. I had enough of them trying to be alpha females like they coupd compete with me as hubby's miniwives.

the eldest sd called my husband august 2018 with a whole sob story that daddy abandoned them for me and to have 2 kids with me to replace them. The reality was they ended contact with their dad over lies their mum made about my husband snd myself which they knew were lies and even admitted to it, they expected my husband be pining for them when they decided to get their shi* together and reconnect with him and that they'd be able to toy with his emptions and daddy's atm be on standby.

the thing is and my husband is 100% firm

on this golden rule which his "nobody comes between our marriage or decide the rules and terms of our marriage" meaning the moment skids start affecting our marriage, actively trying to end it, create conflict in our marriage or insert themselves into private marriage matters, hubby shuts that down immediately. 
no skids even allowed in our bedroom whether it be our marital home, holiday home or his family childhood home. That is a firm boundary he will not allow them to cross

the one hilarious thing i have never been able to comprehend, is how the heck skids like this who treat their parent and stepparent like shi*, actually have the nerve and expectation to give mummy or daddy an ultimatum to end the marriage and ditch the wife and half sibling of theirs and their parent would stupidly do it?? Are they so disillusioned from their manipulative bullshi* that they actually think they'll be successful doing this?

my sd's have not attempted any contact with my 2 kids (their half siblings) since august 2018, 3 plus yrs ago, ss who was living in our marital home ignored my kids. My kids don't acknowledge their half siblings and if any of them ever dared to tell my husband that i'm a horrible woman for banning a relationship of them with my kid, they would be told that them never attempted to maintain or initiate a relationship and any chances of a relationship ended the moment they used us as scapegoats claiming hubby abandoned them for us and lets not forget eldest sd's demands to order daddy transfer assets he owns and bought after the divorce of their mum, solely into skids name. 

Eldest sd was already attempting to have hubby leave us penniless and homeless in a divorce. My own husband doesn't trust his kids from exwife because they're all exact replicas of her and under her control.

My husband actually withdrew a large chunk of his retirement savings to buy a home in my country of birth and put it solely in my name to assure me if he died tomorrow, that me and our 2 young kids wouldn't be on the street. My husband's life insurance policy has me as sole beneficiary. 

op, do you believe your husband would ever divorce you just to maintain a shitty disrespectful one sided relationship with sd? If sd wants to claim he chooses blood over marriage, they're forgetting a little toddler (your daughter with hubby) is his blood too and he chose to make that baby with you.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Wow I feel like we can relate so much. Despite the bad situations, its nice to meet people who can relate and make us realize this is more common than we think. We know we are good people who don't deserve this. My sd16 also mentioned that she hasnt gotten anything from us for her birthday or Christmas the last few years but her sister has. Well during those times sd16 blocked dh(she has on and off) and sd14 actually visited and was kind and respectful. Now that they both blocked dh should we stop with all gifts all together? At this point I dont even want to send anything to sd14 with her last nasty text blocking dh all because we said no to her sitting at our house for a week when her mom goes on vaca with sd16(sd14 doesn't want to go). Apparently my dh told her "it shouldn't be a problem but let me talk to ...(me)" and then texted her saying its not a good idea while we are working the whole week and barely home. She flipped out saying "wow now its changed because sm(me) says so" now I know where I stand". I dony fully trust either. No way is she sitting at my house for a week while we work. She has been homeschoold for 5 years now. She doesn't get a long with anyone at school and would constantly have issues with other kids. I honestly feel bad for their future relationships with people in general. Sd16 has a big diamond "promise ring" on her finger from her also very troubled boyfriend. Im just waiting for the pregnancy news.

shamds's picture

"No you can't stay over because you have not been respectful to my wife and you gave me an ultimatum to dump her for you when we have a toddler together", your husband must take ownership of this and explain that you are a package, you + your toddler + him.

by saying "let me run it by your stepmum", he's effectively deflecting responsibility to you so you can be the bad guy. Nope!! No more!! He needs to take ownership now!!

there is no way any of my skids especially sd's would dare try demand with my hubby he bring iur kids but not me. That doesn't sit well with him.

CLove's picture

They have become momees little toxic minions, so apparently she is feeding them toxic poison against you. The whys do not matter at this point. She is more than likely feeding them things like "look, dadee and sm are starting a new family WITHOUT you two, he just wants to start fresh and not have anything to do with you!" or telling them that "dadee will care more about new baby than you and he'll forget about you!"

So, loyalty binds, combined with parental alienation are a very addictive and strong toxic brew, in that trolls cauldron. The skids are drinking that coolaide and buying into all that crap. "dadees choosing his new wife and her babeeeee over his own BLOOOOOOOOOOOD".

Its all crap, and they are eating it right up, and you and Dh cannot defend against it and must barricade and create boundaries, and be strong together. Its very sad, yes, but you cannot negotiate with terrorists and this is emotional terrorism. Them throwing down the gauntlet and insisting on seeing baby sibling without you -HARD NOPE. DH having a relationship with them, outside the home without either of you - YES. Do this or you will be that de facto "wedge". Do not do anything to stop DH from having that relationship, he can do this without you. Its very sad, yes, but its better than him not at least trying to battle the loyalty binds and parental alientation. 
if he lets them treat him like crap, call it out and point it out. Talk to him about boundaries. This will not get better it will get worse - read my blogs and you will see what they get older.

Oh and no more presents and no staying at your home all day alone. PERIOD. This is YOUR home as well as DHS home.

I got all this too, like we will just ask dad what he thinks about me coming to live with THEM. Like my opinion should not matter, its ALL about the CHILD he had with another woman.

Oh I am steamed up today!!!!

Jackielynn2000's picture

I agree. Someone is in their head creating all negative thoughts. How did we go from family photos loving family to this? Mom. The one they are very close with.

My dh was seeing sd16 separately for lunches without me for a while. Maybe once every few months. It bothered me that I wasn't invited but I tried to back off in hopes they could reconnect(she blocked him for a while) and then eventually we could all reconnect. Well I was terribly wrong. Sd16 recently told him to never talk to her again(again). All because he once again defended "that manipulative narcissist you call a wife". My dh didn't beg or respond since. Its only been about a week. She says hes choosing me over her blah blah blah. At this point, as selfish as this sounds I think its messed up I was never invited to those lunches. I've tried to be patient and give it time but its been 3 years. Im still excluded which in turn excludes our toddler. Only family time we get is weekends and thats family time taken away from us. I've ALWAYS encouraged him to call her , try to talk and yet she thinks I'm the reason this has all happened. Anyway, after treating me and dh like complete crap why should he continue to try? Now I'm at the point where I may sound bitter. Continue to bash me and exclude me but he should continue to try to see her outside of our home taking away our family time? Am I wrong? Apart of me feels guilty but at the same time I feel like he's giving a message that its ok to hate SM and see sd16 seperate.

CLove's picture

It goes against all you think is right.

Its a crazy sick toxc dynamic. But allow it anyway. Pick your battles. Make plans and that way he can decide to go with your plans or not, its on him. Make everything HIS decision. If he doesnt want to try despite her saying its all YOU, then guess what - she will be in the wrong because its not ALL YOU. See how that works? Take yourself out of the equation. Shes still teqnically a child, so, you have to tread carefully. Shes still in that teen drama thing. And shes getting fed toxic crap from the BM and PROBABALY feeding toxic crap to the younger one...who hopefully is smarter about seeing the truth of things.

This is just one of the sh!t sandwhiches SMs have to eat. 

Its NOT ok to hate SM, SM chooses to not engage and chooses to not have her baby in the mix.

When SD16 bashes you, what are the reported responses from DH? When she calls you narc and all that, where is HE in all this? He should assert himself and your place in his life and assert that they need to demonstrate respect to him. But seriously, do you event WANT to be there at this point?

Jackielynn2000's picture

My dh has seen my hurt especially this time. I actually am shocked shes still so angry. I guess its been many months since I have been brought up so when he asked her to talk and she lashed out we both were taken back that shes still so angry.

I know he will ask me if I mind, let's say down the road when she unblocks again..but I'm sure she will demand an apology from her dad for defending me and not her before she "accepts" a lunch date. I already know. Its all about control. From reading her messages it seems she wants him to beg her and bow to her so badly and it enrages her when shes not on a higher pedestal than me. Anyway, he will ask me if I mind, am I suppose to lie and say I dont mind? I do. Im now bothered. I dont want to encourage it anymore. Im emotionally drained on this. If I were invited and she wanted to talk I would attend but after I read her recent messages no I dont want to be there, im not sure 100% if my husband even does. Hes pretty mad.

When she insulted me via text last week, his responses were that SM(me) has done nothing wrong and he thought she would be more mature. She kept bringing up her new diagnosis(has had several) of HF autism and he told her he thought she would be more mature and isn't going to get anywhere with that attitude. He was very short while she ranted on and on being a keyboard warrior.

shamds's picture

Only free time and often he has work functions then. My rule to him was if you want to waste a whole weekend day as chauffeur for self centred stepkids, be damn sure you will spend 1 whole weekend day interacting with our kids. You sleeping on the couch while our toddlers entertain themselves is not your quality time with them. If you can't do this then you have no business spending a whole weekend day pampering lazy arse skids (sd23, ss20, sd13) 

eventually hubby realized when he spent those weekend days pampering skids and not spending quality time with our toddlers, he didn't have a happy wife at home and sexy wife time didn't happen because i had no mood for intimacy with hubby and his behaviour turned me off big time.

in the end my husband realized that his priority is to our kids. Skids are much older and should be independent but they're total failure to launch kids. Our kids are at those prime developmental years and therefore hubby's limited time goes to them and me. 
since skids have done everything to drive a wedge between us, hubby made it very clear they were on their own and they needed to realize this nonsense of theirs is pointless since bio mum abandoned them (their own words) yet they still spew the bio mum crap and revenge etc.

what skids fail to realize is people don't want to waste their time on toxic a-holes!! If you aren't gonna be respectful and pleasant to begin with, its not rocket science why daddy wants to spend his time with his toddler and wife more.

what i take issue with is your husband doesn't have any guilt, like he'd rather ditch you and your toddler at home to encourage skid bullshi* and hasn't asked himself "how is this fair to my wife and toddler at home that i'm supposed to love and care for??" If he respected you, he would have addressed this crap with skids long ago.

even my husband knows that if I divorced him, its all for nothing him pandering to skid disrespect and toxic behaviour because they wouldn't care about him, he's just a walking atm. My husband would grow into a lonely old man. Me and our kids love hubby unconditionally. Skids only give temporary crumbs of attention dependent on what favours or money they get from hubby 

justmakingthebest's picture

I hope to God your husband just sits them down and says that he is sorry they feel that way but you are his wife and aren't going anywhere. That he will not be held as an emotional hostage and divorce or separate from his wife so his teenagers will be happy. 

I hope he tells them that if they ever want to have a real relationship that your home is open but the disrespect to you will stop. 

queensway's picture

This really is on your husband to make things clear. At this point you sit back and let him do this all by himself. Plus you will truly know what you are up against by how he handles this.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Last time I seen her for a very short visit about 3 years ago in our home she was kind sweet gave me hugs then 2 days later texted me telling me it was all fake so she could see her dad and sister! Told me she couldn't wait until we got a divorce and that im phycho. So I guess that's all I think of just the thought of her visiting our home again.

justmakingthebest's picture

All you can do with that is to show your husband and ignore her. She wanted to get a reaction from you. 

I say that full well knowing I would have gone off on the little B. 

Cover1W's picture

OSDnow17 (almost 18) left our home full of spite at age 13.5. She didn't like the rules and basic humanity DH was requiring of her...i.e. Disney Dad was becoming less Disney and standing up for himself and our household. Not to mention PAS going on - lots of hours long phone calls with "Mommy", refusals to do anything with us - but then complain we never did anything with her, Mommy's house was the best, Dad's the worst. We didn't include her in meals - she refused to eat the food we made and DH didn't accomodate her, Dad was mean and controlling. The last straw that I heard was two fold.  1. She was screaming at him for leaving BM (when she was 5 or 6) and blaming him only for he told her exactly what happend, that HER MOM inititiated the divorce, etc., etc. and 2. He was making her help pay, somehow, for one month of payments for a school trip she wanted to go on...but wouldn't let her hit up relatives for the cash.  "I'll never come back here!" was her last screamd statement after that argument.

BM supported OSDs version of every single story ever time. Taking a 13/14 yo version over a grown adult and parent. DH could do nothing. Over the last 4 years he's seen her only once or twice, almost no phone calls and she never, ever answers text or emails. He's not been blocked, but we suspect she has a new # she, and BM are not giivng him. He's conitnued to send Xmas and birthday gifts from himself, I stopped when she left this house. She recently contacted him (well, in truth BM did) to ask him for college help - of what sort exactly we don't know becuase as soon as he asked her, "So why now, OSD? After all these years of ignoring me, why do you need me now?" That immediately turned her into a hellion and she yelled that he was "weaponizing his feelings against her" and was "ruining her college dreams." Then he got hung up on.

Fun times.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Fun times lol sorry made me laugh only because I can totally relate. Now having a toddler of my own, had a crap childhood with my parents dragging each other back snd forth to court and constantly badmouthing, then watching my sds the last 10 years I cant let my child go through any of this madness. Ill do anything to make sure of it. My dh and I are very close and it may sound funny as I csnt predict the future, I truly see us growing very old together. We are very much alike/similar backgrounds and have been through so much and now we have this adorable daughter who afores us both soo much. Its wonderful. This time around will be different.

My dh has paid child support since they were 1 and 3. He works very hard. He comes home from work exhausted. Im sure bm does too. I know shes a nurse. Point is, there's no appreciation from our side. Dh sends money to support their life and feed them! And all sd16 cares about is a gift for her birthday? So ungrateful so hateful. I know her mind isn't fully developed yet but I truly pray she matures for the better or her future is going to be very rough.

Cover1W's picture

Time will only tell.  My SIL and myself say that she's going to have a hard time on her own (especially personally/with relationships) if she continues to treat people the way she does - she was/is also a 'mean girl' at school....her stories about being bullied weren't completely truthful in the end. And we heard the was she talks about her peers, and others. Even DH says that she identified each and every time with 'the bad side' and loved it when things didn't work out. 

She doesn't have a good role model with BM either who is passive aggressive and refuses to hear any other side to an issue and checks out when something actually serious needing attention is called out.


Rags's picture

I think it is time for DH to start smacking BM with a contempt motion each and every time his daughters fail to comply with his COd visitation schedule.  Every time.

Rather than take their crap, he needs to bring the pain and be assertive with BM and his failed family daughters.

If the 16yo insists on continuing her crap, fine. She can suffer until she turns 18 then fade away for her father and his intact quality family.  My SS's Bio Paternal clan was toxic, manipulative, and invasive of his happiness and life since he was a toddler.  At 29, he has nearly zero to do with them.  His mom and I married  the week before he turned 2yo. He ask me to adopt him 20 years later.  We made that happen.

Though he is not without some issues related to them, he is thriving as an adult, in his career, etc...  They are all going down the crapper that the rest of their shallow and polluted gene pool has gone down for generations.


WwCorgi7's picture

Yeah I dont think there is hope for fixing those kids or their relationship with their father. They are too far gone. I'm sure it will always sting but hopefully your husband can move on from them and quit putting up with the abuse. For both his and your sake. They sound rotten and will likely always be that way because they had BM as a role model.

My SD is 14 she PAS'out at 12. She was crazy jealous when my husband and I had our first daughter. We gave her three little brothers but the little sister sent her (and  BM) over the edge. She went no contact for over a year and a half. Contempt of court filings got DH nowhere he basically could have saved time flushing the money down the toilet. Court said SD was old enough to make her own decisions. He spiraled into depression losing her. A little over a year of SD being gone he finally got better and was able to move forward.

Around my daughter's 1st birthday SD came back around. She made up this huge lie and totally scammed DH out of money. She wants nothing to do with the family, her siblings, anyone from our side at all. Took off no contact again we have no clue where she is even living at this point. Dh was hurt by her using him but he got over it. He said it was sort of the closure he needed. He's done chasing her. 


Jackielynn2000's picture

This is super sad but I get it. I truly have no idea why any parent would wsnt to destroy their child's mind all in spite of their ex moving on and they are still unhappy. Since this incident happened a week ago its all I think about. Before this , both sds rarely crossed my mind. I had the last few years to get over it but I know my dhs heart still hurts. With our new addition I know its easier to pass time and not think about all this negativity though, especially with our toddler who constantly makes us laugh.

I think your right, there's nothing that's going to change and ill always be to blame, just like bm wants she gets. Both sds hated their stepdad of 13 years and she divorced him, maybe bm showed their loyalty to them? I know for a long time they have had a lot of power. Just a few years ago sd14 was begging to live with us because she hated stepdad. I cant believe I actually entertained the thought. I cherish all our past good memories but still find sadness in the future.

WwCorgi7's picture

I get it. Of course it's going to be a little sad even weird (maybe not the best word) when you think about how it turned out. I'm sorry you had to deal with the switch up. It must have been hard having everything going so well to them completely hating you. That's really unfair.

My SD started blaming me for the reason her parents weren't together at a young age (maybe 5). It didn't feel like a huge loss on my end because it was always that way. I think family traditions were hard at first but now her not being there is normal. I know some other's have told me on this site that it isn't healthy to pretend she doesn't exist but that is sort of the way it is. There are no pictures of her up on the walls, we donated all her stuff, her ornaments don't go on the tree, there's no visible trace of her.

SD's brothers she grew up with have a very vague explanation as to why she doesn't seen them anymore. They haven't asked about her in over a year. My daughter will have a half sister she will more than likely never know. It's sad to think about that but I also feel like keeping my children away will spare them the chaos and rejection of her popping in and out and telling them they mean nothing to her. She told DH he was cut off if we chose to continue our pregnancy and that's what she did. 

I feel for you and your Dh! 


Loxy's picture

Your situation sounds very hard and has obviously caused you a lot of confusion and pain. I would recommend counselling to process your feelings and come to a sense of acceptance and peace about it. 

Unfortunately BM's often play a large role in parental alienation and there isn't much you can do about that other than draw the line on what you will and won't accept (as far as the skids behaviour) and hope they figure it all out for themselves at some point. 


Jackielynn2000's picture

My dh keeps asking me if he should send a direct message to her or just wait until the next set of nasty messages? I tell him I dont know!

queensway's picture

OMG No messages. He needs to set her straight to her face. Let her know where he stands.  He needs to man up and be a parent and a husband.

Jackielynn2000's picture

I agree but he's asking me if he should just send a straight forward message like "when your ready to be kind and respectful we can talk". I told him to just let it be because she's only going to be nasty again , or hes most likely blocked.

justmakingthebest's picture

I would tell him that he needs to tell BM that he will be picking her up after school and return her to the house shortly.

Pick her up, drive to a park or someplace where they can sit and talk and he needs to let her know- in person and directly- how things ARE going to be from now on. Then take her home and let the ball go in her court. 

Survivingstephell's picture

I'm further down the road on this but OSD at 16 threatened DH with if you stick with her , you won't walk me down the aisle at my wedding.  (Eyeroll).  16.  Yeah that came from BM.  DH picked me and the rest is history.  She's 26 now and finally moved out on her own.  Don't go running after her.  Let her reap what she sowed.  Let her lie in the bed she made.  The only one that should talk to her is her father and that's if she can do it in a polite respectful way.  No more drama or chaos from her.  You will have an adjustment period as you detox from the drama but trust me when I say it's much better on this side of it.  Your home needs to be a sanctuary of peace.  Put boundaries in place to make that happen.  You two are the adults and as such get to rule your roost.  Get firm.  Get tough about this.  That crap she pulls is just not acceptable.  Period.  

Jackielynn2000's picture

I've had zero contact with her in almost 3 years but I find out all these things she says from my dh. Others have told me he shouldn't tell me but he's my husband. He's supposed to keep the truth from me? She came over our home almost 3 years ago and a few days later after all the kisses,hugs and kindness told me im a phycho and that was all fake niceness to see our toddler and her dad. 

Rags's picture

There is a reason why a boy will only pee on an electric fence once.  It is long past time that you and DH stop peeing  on the SD/BM electric fence.

Figuratively of course.

And yes, boys will upon occasion do something like pee on an electric fence.

AgedOut's picture

I tried to read everything. I have a few thoughts.

Dad should not contact his daughters to tell them to unblock him when they are ready to be nice. That is pretty much already a thing. 

You want your child to know/have a relationship w/ the stepsiblings. WHY??? If they were not stepsiblings, would you want them anywhere near your child? Some relationships shouldn't happen because of the toxic-ness of it. This is one good example. Nothing good will happen for your child if your child knows them. 

The block/unblock/block cycle is manipulation at it's best. You can stop it by no longer being involved. Dad too. Use your time to make memories. Shut down the toxic by not even listening to it. 

Jackielynn2000's picture

May sound paranoid but at times I get worried of this going on for years and years and somehow someway down the road the stepkids contact ours daughters and try to put some crazy negative thoughts in her head. So weird I even have to be worried about this! Or God forbid something happen to me and they sneak their way into her life-becayse I'm sure they would love to if im gone. I already know that sd16 would love us to divorce so she can see ours daughter and her dad WITHOUT me there. Already know thats her wants.

shamds's picture

Just state the facts so she knows how to handle herself and the full story. Its gonna be diffucult for those girls to trashtalk you to your daughter in the future in private etc because they're strangers to her.

worry about protecting yourself and your child from their abuse and terrorism. Any person hell bent on divorcing you two can claim to be sister of the year to your daughter, it just won't stick

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Is there any hope for the younger skid? I know fourteen is the worst age for girls, but maybe she sees things a bit differently? Maybe she gets sick of the drama and the antics of her sister?

Rags's picture

Compile the facts for your own child.   We had drawers in our home office filing cabinets on the Custody/Visitation/ Support actions over the years.  

As he got older we seasoned SS-29 with the facts when he would come home from SpermClan visitation full of the shit they tried to convince him was true.  We showed him true.  As he got older he developed a highly advanced bullshit detector and would call them in their shit in real time.  That would piss off SpermGranHag to no end and she would call my DW to rant about SS knowing the facts.  Facts are neither good now bad.  They are merely facts.  They never liked the facts because the facts bared their lies and toxic bullshit for what it was.

Once your daughter has the facts she will be able to keep her father's failed family progeny firmly in their place.  

Kids need and should have the facts.

IMHO of course.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Now SD16 is texting my dh again telling him about her new jobs shes excited about as if nothing happened 2 weeks ago with ranting terrible messages about me

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Ugh. I hope your DH has looked into counseling? What was his response to the text?

Jackielynn2000's picture

He didnt respond.  He asked me what to say and I said I have no idea. Sd16 refuses counseling with him alone, with herself alone and family counseling.

Survivingstephell's picture

He can rugsweep but that only empowers her to continue and ramp it up.  He is the only one who can hold her feet to fire and demand respect for his wife.  That much you can demand from him: declaration to all that you are his wife and will be treated as such and with respect.  

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you. So many times he just rugsweeps and 6 months goes by of him being blocked then suddenly she wants to see him again. Like some type of punishment towards my dh. F that I'm done. Im not letting this disrespect happen anymore. He told me he says nothing because its easier to avoid the drama but nope not this time! I told him its time he speaks up( for years now I've kept quiet) & he has finally!

Disillusioned's picture

It's outrageous but unfortunately far too common

My OSD was a little older than yours - 19 - when she did the same thing

Up until that point DH let her get away with way too much bad behavior, disrespect towards me and himself and she was building I guess for a while to this ultamatum

The reason these girls do this is they think if they force their gravelling, ass-kissing, guilt-ridden, disney dads in a corner where they must choose or their daughter will walk out of their life, then daddy dearest will of course give them what they want as he is so afraid of losing them

My DH refused to play that game with OSD

He told her he hoped she would one day come on board and accept me but if not and she walked away, remember that was her choice not his

She played that card and guess what, we respected her decision. 

It was an eye-opener for her as she expected DH to dump me (we were not yet married at the time)

OSD spent years making us pay for her decision by mostly walking out of our lives, and being over the top rude and hostile on the occassions we did cross paths

Then one day years later seemingly overnight she was just fine. Accepting suppossedly. And back in our lives. 

Thus began what I now refer to as her cycles. 

She was fine for a while, then back to the ultimatum like behaviour. Then okay. 

Now she is approaching 40 and for the last three years has almost 100% cut us out of her life. For exactly the reason your SD is threatening this with your DH. Because my DH stood up for me/stood up to the mistreatment of me/us from SIL and OSD

Each time OSD does this we call her bluff

It seems to be the only way to deal with her

The harder we try to mend things, connect with her, convince her to get onside, show her how important it is to us that she's in our lives, the more she feels she has power to manipulate DH to get what she wants. Which is me out of his life. Or at least to prove to the world - herself mostly - that DH loves her more

I'm sure it's just a matter of time before she makes yet another reapperance in our lives. I hope this time she had finally learned that the ultimatum game works for no-one. Most especially her

What do you feel your DH will do?

I hope he will not allow his kids to dictate who he can marry, who is in his life, etc.. and teach them that sometimes they just need to accept that things are not going to go the way they want. 

And of course, get them in councelling to help them cope with the jealous insecurites they're feeling 


CLove's picture

To Dh, because hes finally getting clear on things with Feral Forger SD22. He did this and put it in different words - nicer ones lol, but the exact same concept.

Make things right with clove and stop disrespecting us.

Rags's picture

"You will not disrespect my marriage,  you will not disrespect my wife, and for damned sure you will not disrespect me.  GTF out, go away, and don't come back until you grow up, apologize to me and my wife and never make the mistake of pulling your immature manipulative bullshit ever again."

Jackielynn2000's picture

Now my father in law is highly manipulated by her. Texted my dh today saying sd16 told him how she has contemplated suicide and that my dh is being immature and not acting like an adult. Again my dh stood up for me saying he won't tolerate disrespectvfrom her. He says he believes everything sd16 told which we dont know the details. I guess that settles that! He clearly stated he is choosing his estranged granddaughter (sd16 just unblocked him after 4 years of being blocked ) then believe his 40 year old son. I told him not to respond. Whats the point. Shes gotten into his head and he's up her a**.

shamds's picture

She passed away over 6 yrs ago, it was a simple estate matter to handle and my brother siad he would do it. He stole money and banked all the funds into he and his wife's joint bank acct using my share to lower interest on his home so i was essentially paying off him and his wife's homeloan.

he knew what he did was illegal and instead of admitting fault, started messaging my dear aunt (dad's sister (1 yr younger than him) who we are very close with while my brother has been no contact. My brother told my aunt that me and my dad were disinheriting him and such bad people.

my aunt just couldn't believe this because she knows my dad and me and how we are, this just isn't our character. 
it's ridiculous how some idiots think if they've been no contact with family, that they can spew lies and that family will trust and believe that bullshit over their own sibling or child knowing full well their toxic disrespectful history.

i'd say your fil is a typical case of believe granddaughter is all good because poor kid of divorce rather than admit what a toxic disrespectful shi* she is!!

you and your husband know what the truth is, god knows what the truth is, let idiots believe the bullshi* she spews. If they get conned by her repeatedly, its on them

Winterglow's picture

This kills me - your FIL thinks your dh is being immature because he isn't letting a child dictate who he can make his life with. What Planet does he live on? 

Jackielynn2000's picture

Says "shes been through so much and contemplated suicide" -she told cps im the reason she wanted to kill herself. I've literally done nothing to her!

Jackielynn2000's picture

So update,, Even though my husband has forwarded all nasty disrespectful hateful messages to his dad giving him "his side" , my father in law still insists that my dh isn't acting like an adult. My dh has tried talking to sd16, letting her know until she can respect our marriage, & his wife he won't be responding. Now FIL  keeps sending him pictures of sd16. Hes been blocked from her for disobeying for 4 years and now he's all smitten by her.guess he thinks it's ok to treat me like trash. Oh well . My dh asks me if he should block sd16 or tell his FIL to stop with the pictures and messages defending her. She hasnt contacted him but its clear she is having others do it for her. Sd14 has also been sending messages saying things like oh sd16 says u look like so and so or she says hi... sd14 recently texted me saying I need to apologize to sd16 for brainwashing her dad. Shes now blocked. Im done w the drama.idk it's weird. Just let it go?

Winterglow's picture

Maybe your dh should ask his father if he would like a referral to an excellent mental health professional. 

CLove's picture

They all seem to operate from the same playbook, these Toxic Teens.

They blame the stepparent when the bio parent stands up and doesnt allow disrespect. Calls the bio parent "brainwashed" because they choose a person to marry and then wont allow disrespect.

SD 22 Feral Forger said the exact same things to DH when she would ask to move back in with us after being a nightmare teen. He stood up for us and told her she has to work things out with me, and thats where he left it. Because 1. Its my house too 2. Shes been very hateful towards me the entire time and I wont live like that and now she is "you must choose me over your stupid wife!!!!" and guess what - he wont do that. He has a wonderful life because of me. Shes rude and dirty and hateful and hurtful. Super selfish and self-serving. Demanding. Lazy. No drivers license and no job. Her mother supports her, and her friends drive her around.

But these toxic teens like to play victim. She will either capitulate and act like nothing happened (like she did with ol gramps) and expect him to act the same way, or she will hold onto the grudge and when she has children will use them as little hostages in her game of emotional terrorism. Ex[ect you two to do the "pick me dance". To her music.

Cookieboom's picture

I'm glad your DH has your back.  Maybe BM is jealous of your life and using SKs to fuel her drama?  

I know BM here told SS that BF cares more about his “new family” more than him, how he treats my kids like his own instead of SS. This all came about when her married boyfriend dumped her and went back to his wife.  She also made comments about how she is struggling to make ends meet (she works at the Gap, she has lost several jobs through the years, her parents sent her/fully paid for her to go to Northwestern University, I worked three jobs and put myself through a state school) and how it must be nice to make good money and be lazy (I’m a nurse).  She turned SS against us and I have not seen him in a long long time…BF has just started court ordered visits and he and SS are regaining their relationship, yet I am not mentioned.

I have nothing to do with BM and never will.  She and BF’s XGF would argue and there was nothing but drama, and BM feeds off of that.  I think it kills her that I don’t react to any of her BS. 

BM treats SS like he is adult, complaining about things only adults should discuss, used to make comments like “Your dad never did that for me,” and how I am a puppeteer pulling his dad’s puppet strings….

I would block them all, and go to counseling with you and DH.  Sending hugs!!!

Jackielynn2000's picture

Wow I'm so sorry. I can truly relate to this but I love that you stand strong. I am a nurse too-so is bm. They are pretty spoiled. My dh asked me if he thinks he should block sd 14 & sd16 and I said I dont know. Its easy to not respond but it still hurts my dh with nasty random messages. FIL could care less about they talk to me but it makes sense because he's never had any successful marriages and goes through several girlfriends at 71 years old. Hes moving soon, hopefully then it will get quiet.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Situations like this, where multiple family members cause ongoing drama, are why disengagement exists. You can't win against the propaganda, and trying to shut the dysfunction down is like playing whack - a - mole. 

You made a fundamental mistake in the beginning by getting overly involved with BM and the SDs. No shame, I did something similar and it's a common rookie SM mistake. You failed to recognize the dysfunction that existed below the surface and didn't know just how much crazy three females can produce. Your DH failed to shut it down, and he failed at protecting you from it. But here's The Thing - his eldest daughter OSD actually CALLED CPS ON YOU. That's a gamechanger, and I feel you're not taking it as seriously as you should.

OSD felt sufficiently entitled and empowered to destroy your reputation, endanger your parental rights, and possibly even get you arrested. She is weaponized, unpredictable, and a danger to you. She even feels she has the right to a relationship with your child. This should send chills down your spine, and your highest priority needs to be keeping her out of your life. 

You seem like a very nice woman, but that's one of the favorite foods of toxic families. I know the pain and unfairness of being targeted and reviled, just for existing and wanting to help. It's awful, and the stress of the constant drama can really mess with your mind. Now your FIL is acting as a flying monkey, and your H still expects you to listen, comfort, and tell him what to do about HIS kids. Its just too, too much, isn't it? And if you think your LO isn't picking up on the chaos and stress vibrations, you're wrong.

You have the right to say ENOUGH! and tell your H to stop involving you in HIS issues with HIS kids. You have the right (and duty) to protect your child and your self from the endless negativity and tsunami of shit that comes from HIS people. You can CHOOSE. Just because you married your H doesn't mean you're obligated to jump on the hampster wheel of dysfunction with him. Your not his emotional support dog, and deserve to feel safe, dammit. My DH kept trying to pull me back into the poo, too. I finally had to put my foot down and tell him it was about HIM and THEM; that I was worn out, overwhelmed by the years of excrement, and DONE. Disengagement saved my sanity and my marriage. Frame your disengagement as being about your mental health as well as self preservation; how can he argue with that?

When we step out of the equation, it creates change that can have a positive ripple effect. It brings us peace, but it also puts the problems back where they actually belong: on the failed first family. Without us in the dynamic, there's less distraction and no convenient scapegoat so the core relationships become the focus. It IS possible to do this in a loving yet firm way OP, but requires you have the courage of your convictions so you can stand strong. Your H needs to compartmentalize his relationships and stop coming to you with his skid problems, and you need to protect yourself and tap out.


Jackielynn2000's picture

Everything you just wrote really had me thinking. Its all so true. I want out. Im done and why am I so forgiving about this cps thing? Thats not ok! And this kid wants me to apologize to her. Why am I so forgiving? Why do I still have hope for peace after all this? I start therapy Wednesday. I think I need to find a way to not let this crap clog my brain. I guess what hurts the most is once upon a time my dh 2 sds and I were a happy family. Things were so fun. Im holding onto younger happy times I think. My dh and I now have our own child and I'm excited to do it our way with no restrictions or limited time. I just dont think its fair that my sds (now both as of a few days ago) both bad mouth me to him like I'm this evil person who brainwashed and took him away for myself! So dumb lol. Hes angry and stands up for me, but ur right he comes to me alot on what to do, I hate that because I dont know! I'm just trying to move on and be done. I want my daughter to live a happy childhood and not ever have to have drama like they always did growing up.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Good job on starting therapy. Hopefully your therapist can help you with strategies and tools to create distance and hold your H accountable. Letting go of the Happy Family dream is a process, and you deserve to have support with that.

The thread on this post has gotten really long, so I suggest you make a new post asking for specific tips on disengaging and staying out of the drama. Each situation is unique despite the common patterns and behaviors, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, Some SMs choose to completely delete skids; others allow X minutes for their spouse to discuss a skid issue, etc. Personally? I think you need a period of Zero Skid so you can decompress a bit, gain perspective, and get your H used to handling HIS messed up kids on his own. When he pushes, remind him that this girl took steps that could have led to your bio child being taken away, and you're not interested in discussing her.

Rags's picture

Yes 3

Give rose

Absolutely epic guidance.

And "Tsunami of shit" is an absolute classic description of what so many in blendeed family situations experience from the toxic side of the equation. Or sadly, often from every direction.

Jackielynn2000's picture

Thank you. Now sd14 has bombarded my dh saying all sorts of stuff like he has a manipulative wife and they are moving 6 hours away and he won't get the privilege of saying goodbye. He told them both he loves them but its time to block the messages until they are kind. Its sad to block but the nasty messages won't stop. I find it sad.

Rags's picture

It is sad, on many levels. The least of which is not that DH is allowing the move.  If he has a CO he needs to roll it up and start beating the oppostion side of his failed family into submission.  He needs to first have his attorney send BM a cease and decist order, then get to court ASAP to shut down any initiatives BM may have to move, and then going forward every single time a kid fails to arrive for his COd visitaiton he needs to beat BM over the head with a contempt motion.

Lather.... rinse..... repeat.

In all liklihood the Skids are a lost cause but that does not mean he /you should stop providing lessons on the consequences associated with crappy behavior and failure to comply with a CO. If BM being smacked around in court every time the Skids pull their manipulative shit does not make an impression on them, so be it. Though the lessons should never end. Not even when the failed family spawn age out from under the CO. At that point the lessons become more direct.  

e.g. "I do not support toxic distrespectful adults even if they are my children.  Pull your head out of your ass, grow up, behave and interface with us  respectfully and we will consider helping.  Fail to behave respectfully and to meet our standards of behavior and and performance you are on your own. Write when you find a job. Buh-bye, good luck."