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Stressed and looking for relaxing effective exercise ideas.....

SimplyB's picture

So, family life has been stressful for the last year.

SS 14, I absolutely hate!

He lies, cheats, steals, shits his pants and wets the bed.

I took a stance with disengagement after the last theft - which he would not admit to and I have to suck up the missing items, money and drug use in my home. SO states he is taking care of it, but angers when I ask what he did about it.

I am not speaking to my SS, so when he is here it is tense. I work most of the weekends he is home - thanks to clever crafting by SO at my request. I also work shift work which helps as well and SO is often out and takes SS with him because I do not want him to spend here time alone.

So, I am visiting my Doctor today to get clearance to go back to work after a cardiac event secondary to dehydration from food poisoning. He simply states: you need to remove stress from your life or you will not have a life.

Sounds pretty ominous, I know I am tired, I work a full time and a part time job and seem to be the cook, laundry, shopper, cleaner in a family of four. I am learning to let go of some of the responsibilities of the house but they quickly creep back in.

I am also trying to decide where to start getting back in shape and as my doctor seemed against joining a gym or anything drastic so I am looking for ideas. My cardiac stress test I reached a high Blood pressure and tacchycardia within 7 minutes so looking to build endurance and loose weight....

Suggestions please, other than turfing SS and SO....

hereiam's picture

I really like the Classical Stretch series with Miranda Esmonde-White (retired ballerina). Each workout is less than 30 minutes and not anything drastic but puts your body through what it needs to get and stay in shape.

I bought one season on DVD but she is also on PBS.

blueorblackink's picture

The is a company called Gaiam. Check out Yoga for Weight loss and Yoga Conditioning for weight loss. Both are by Susan Deason. You do not have to be flexible or in shape you will get there. She eases you into it.

I felt so relaxed after I finished these.I started out in bad shape but soon I was more flexible and I had more defined muscles.

I recommend these for easing your way into fitness with the relaxation benefits of yoga.

LikeMinded's picture

The DVD: Kundalini Yoga for Beginners and Beyond. It's kind of a rythmic yoga, it really helps with stress... the chanting is kind of wierd, but I've grown to like it. Also, I'm forcing myself to actually take breaks while I'm working and to walk down the stairs to the downstairs bathroom to get more exercise.

I've had to scale back too, with 4 kids, a demanding career and all the legal balogna imposed by BM... not to mention a sudden death in the family that I ended up not only grieving like hell, but having to do all the arrangments for... I got sick too.

I've hired a cleaning service (that helps a lot). I try to get as much help as I can for laundry. For example, everyone has to put away their laundry and I get other members of the family to fold towels and sheets.

I've stopped most of what I was doing for the SKIDS... although I do help DH if he is overwhelmed. We're good at taking over for eachother when one of us is exhausted.

misSTEP's picture

Meditation can do amazing things. It is tough to begin with (a lot of thoughts intruding into your head) but it gets easier the more you do it.

Rags's picture

Time to put locks on everything and install complete camera coverage in your home so the toxic Skid and daddy know that they are under the hairy eyeball all of the time.  That should drive the spawn from  your home.

Forward footage to DH any time the toxic spawn does anything questionable in your home.  The gas lighting that DH is doing regarding his failure to parent speaks volumes about him.

Take care of you.  Purging them both is better than risking your health. If it comes to that.

As for health and excercise, I do low cab and at least an hour a day on a stepper while while binge watching my daily television cycle.  Quarantine can be a good thing when it comes to getting healthy.  I even do the stepper while working through professional licensing CPE videos.