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So tired of feeling this way!

stepmom36's picture

I've been married for the last 8 years to my DH and for the last 8 years I've heard him tell me he want's a divorce. Of course in the beginning this made me very upset and I cried a lot, and begged a lot and was sick a lot . Stupid me! All these threats of him saying he wants to leave me made me very insecure about my future with him. He would threaten me every time things didn't go the way he liked or over my feelings about certain things, it usually revolved around SD/19. SD/19 and BM have been a nightmare in my marriage! DH doesn't help the situation at all. DH says I'm crazy for how I feel or that it's between the SD/19 and me. I'm so sick of feeling this way! I'm full of resentment and anger at this point in my life. I'm not this kind of person and I don't like feeling this way. The DH and I don't even speak half the time anymore. I asked him today if I needed to prepare myself to leave because yesterday he told me he wasn't sure if he wanted to be with me again! All over my feelings of his 20 something year old nephew wanting to stay with us for a few days to go to SD/19 reception. I wouldn't have a problem with this normally but I have two BS's 13 and 16 that live with us and I don't want the nephew around them because he molested his little brother when he was a teen. I feel sorry for the nephew because it happened to him by his mother's bf but why should I be ok with him being around my young boys? So of course once again I am crazy for how I feel. So tired of wondering day to day whether my marriage is going to end or not. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

stepmom36's picture

I don't know why I stay. I ask myself this question all the time. Maybe I'm insecure. This would also be my second divorce and It makes me feel like a failure. I've tried so hard but I'm tired of trying. I never once threatened him or told him I didn't want to be with him. If he wants a divorce so bad why doesn't he just do it. I'd rather him just go and stop making me miserable.

trying2getAgrip's picture

DO NOT, DO NOT let this nephew around your boys! How horrific would it be and how horrific would you feel if something happened?! It's not worth the risk, and, sadly, I must agree with Boottuff -- it doesn't sound like it was ever a marriage and if he insists on this nephew staying over, then not only is he ignoring you, but he is ignoring the welfare of your sons. Sad

Poodle's picture

Do not ask him if he is going to dump you. Dump him. He is inviting a child molester to be under the same roof as your children and telling you it's your problem.