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SD and signs of narcissistic personality disorder

Someoneelse's picture

These are 9 of the traits I've found online

A grandiose sense of self-importance   I would say yes, she ALWAYS thinks everyone wants to see or hear everything she has to say, that her ideas are the best... but also, that when she said she was going to leave, that DH was going to have some sort of melt down.

Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love see above, but also, she thinks she is the most intellegent person she knows. Her mom "gave her the choice" of to go to  school where BM's home was zoned, or where DH's home is zoned. but ultimately she took her to where she was zoned, because the school ranking was lower, and she thinks that SD will be higher ranked in the school, but if she went to where my daughters go, that she would be lower ranked, because she's just not that smart.

Belief that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions clings to my "powerful" daughter (i call her this because that's how SD sees her, because she's popular, and smart, and hasa dominating personailty), and dismisses my daughter who is awkward, shy, and has a more "go with the flow" personality.

Requires excessive admiration Always, talks down about people but brags about herself in the same breath, always (even though shes 16) "did you hear what I said", "did you see what I did" "watch me twerk"

Has a sense of entitlement EVERYTHING ABOUT HER! she goes to a predominetly black school, and she talks about how "they" are allowed to say cracker. but if she was to say the N word, that THAT wouldn't be ok, like she is entitled word. Or that the fact that she feels OWED EVERYTHING! That she can just DECIDE that she can leave DH when it's his visitation, that she can DECIDE who's house she can go to for which holiday, that She just has to TELL (not ask) DH that she has plans with a friend and that he has to take her (she refuses to learn how to drive)

Is interpersonally exploitative – takes advantage of others Is only nice to people when she wants something, if not, they aren't worth her time. When she's here, LITERALLY the only time she talks to DH is if she wants money, or asks about him getting her a car (which she doesn't even want to drive) She only talks to me when she wants me to take her somewhere or trying to turn me against someone else in the house.

Lacks empathy she LITERALLY never feels sorry for ANYTHING she does, she never feels any emotion other that  "it's not fair, you are all against me" She literally could care less about anyone.

Envies others or believes others are envious of him or her yes, she literally believes everyone is envious of her. She literally equates beauty with blonde hair, blue/green eyes, and that everyone else is doodoo colored. She jokes about SAYING that when she was young, but literally she thinks that, she has a friend that is a white blonde girl, and another friend that is puerto rican (that one I don't understand why she's friends with SD, with as TERRIBLE as SD has been to her) SD non stop talks about how BEAUTIFUL the white friend is, but NEVER talks about how pretty the puerto rican friend is, EVER! So even though, SD is NOT ATTRACTIVE what so ever, she thinks everyone is jealous of her blonde hair, green eyes.

Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes YES! everything she does is arrogant, she thinks EVERYONE looks up to her and wants to hear what she says. She ALWAYS is talking crap about everyone, like they are below her. She literally told my oldest daughter that she didn't belong on the "sister date" with her and my youngest daughter.

Dogmom1321's picture

Sounds like she checks all of the boxes! I have also looked into some other disorders online. Another popular one on here is BPD since so many HCBM seem to struggle with it as well. And it's genetic. Here are some traits below for Boderline Personality Disorder. I would check this one out too. 

1. Fear of abandonment. People with BPD are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone. SD clings to BM even though she is toxic. She has an insecure attachment to her mother. SD11 is terrified of going out in a public setting without DH. It's not just normal separation anxiety. It's to a point that she freezes and can't function. 

**2. Unstable relationships. People with BPD tend to have relationships that are intense and short-lived. SD11 has the need for constant drama with ALL family members. She is always bickering. You could say the sky is blue and she would say no. SD11 has no real friends. Only "frienmies". She will go days with spending every single second with a friend, only to "we're not talking right now". She has zero stable relationships in her life. 

**3. Unclear or shifting self-image. When you have BPD, your sense of self is typically unstable. SD11 is VERY particular about her "style". Skater clothes, shoes, music she listens to etc. Then she will shift to "I want to shave my head" "My teeth are ugly" "I'm so fat" "I don't look like other kids" 

4. Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors. If you have BPD, you may engage in harmful, sensation-seeking behaviors, especially when you’re upset. SD11 binge eats and is unable to cope with normal stressors. She destroys her own property when she gets frustrated. 

**5. Self-harm. Suicidal behavior and deliberate self-harm is common in people with BPD. SD11 talks about how she wants to die. She told BM and DH that she started cutting. All because DH won't let her pick which middle school she wants to go to. Also manipulative and threatens suicide when she doesn't get her way with her parents. 

**6. Extreme emotional swings. Unstable emotions and moods are common with BPD. One second SD11 is claiming it's the "best day ever" and is so happy. The next couple of days, she goes on a hunger strike and says she wants to die. DH and I didn't see any big events to "trigger" these mood swings. They just happen. 

7. Chronic feelings of emptiness. People with BPD often talk about feeling empty, as if there’s a hole or a void inside them. SD often refers to herself as a nobody. That she doesn't have any hobbies or talents. That she is dumb and can't do things. 

8. Explosive anger. If you have BPD, you may struggle with intense anger and a short temper. SD11 frequently engages in shouting matches. She verbally gets frustrated with herself. "Why am I like this?" "I hate myself" 

**9. Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality. People with BPD often struggle with paranoia or suspicious thoughts about others’ motives. SD constantly feels that others "are out to get her". She says people "look at her weird." And she thinks "people talk about her." She has the "it's the world vs. me" mentality. And is of course always the victim or target in any situation. 

I starred the traits I see the MOST of in SD11. BM has admitted to openly having this disorder. Doctors will not diagnosis it this young. But I personally feel that she has this alongside one of her already FOUR diagnosed disorders (ADD, depression, anxiety, and ODD). Which makes me think some of them may be a misdiagnosis and symptoms of BPD instead. 

caninelover's picture

A grandiose sense of self-importance   YES - e.g. future Dr. Bratty McBratFace will cure endometriosis someday.  Once she passes Physics 101 that is.  Also Bratty describes herself as the most 'overly considerate' person there is when she can't show up anywhere on time to save her life.

Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love YES - see above.  Dr. McBratFace will save the world and end up rich and be able to afford all the vegan food she wants.

Belief that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions YES - Bratty can only be understood by other trans non-binary people.  Cis-gendered middle-aged simpletons like myself are unable to ascend to her level.

Requires excessive admiration  YES - Bratty takes about 5 million selfies for any FB post.  Then obsessives over which one showcases her at the best angle.

Has a sense of entitlement ROFL YES - telling SO she was entitled to a room in the 'familial home' when we kicked her out; or asking my friend who she met exactly twice if she can stay in my friend's mother's (who had end-stage dementia) Mexican village for her vacation.

Is interpersonally exploitative Hahaha YES - After telling Bratty I dislike her during family therapy, Bratty texts a few months later as if nothing happened fishing around for free Disneyland tickets.

Lacks empathy  YES - Bratty told me during family therapy that my experiences were not important to her since she is special, trans, etc etc etc.

Envies others or believes others are envious of him or her  YES - she envies any friend or peer who is 'more successful' than her. 

Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes  YES - also immature behaviors - e.g. my gifts are not good enough, my thanksgiving dinner is not good enough (where is the vegan food) etc etc etc

ESMOD's picture

Honestly, many of these things are not unique to teens.. I try to leave the psychological diagnosis to the professionals lol.  If her parents see signs.. they should have her tested.


I do also know that sometimes people different for different people... I was really surprised to see OSD with her friends.. she was a very different person (another reason why we tried to always have a friend with her when we went on vacation.. the ones we took without one were more problematic).

i think sometimes the situation and toxic history can make people "crazy acting".. when they may be generally reasonable people otehrwise.



Someoneelse's picture

I've seen her around her friends, in person, in a phone call, on face time.  She's WORSE!  that's when i REALLY notice her arrogance REALLY is at its worst.  She literally brags about how much better she is than everyone, and just her demeanor is arrogant a well. Her friends are all cheerleaders, so she flocked to them because in her head cheerleaders are popular, rule the school, and are super powerful, again, she coins to those who can make her seem powerful.... narcissistic trait at play there.  Her relationships only last as long as they can serve her purpose. 

Dogmom1321's picture

I can definitely see how some of these things are just "teen behaviors". I guess I personally look for answers because of SDs track record. As long as I have known her, DH has excused her behavior with the following...

5 y/o: She just moved to a new state 

6 y/o: It was just hard for her to make friends in kindergarten

7 y/o: We started dating, so SD is just getting used to more changes

8 y/o: BM got some custody back, so that's why she's acting this way

9 y/o: SD has just been through a lot

10 y/o: SD has low self-esteem now

11 y/o: DH FINALLY takes her to a therapist

At some point I think DH realized that only common denominator here was SD. I think it's easy for Disney Dads to blame others and justify their child's behavior. Bios simply don't want to admit that their children are byproducts of failed parenting.