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Please define the Acronyms.....I'm new.

Georgia Mom 72's picture

Can someone PLEASE define all the acronyms. I know BM is biological mother, SS- step son, SD- step daughter. Not to sure about the other ones. Thanks so much!!!

"It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the bark in the dog."

goingcrazy's picture

I have been here two weeks and don't know them all either. Thanks for putting the question out there. If anyone could respond, I would also be greatful. The one that had me stumped is DH?????

Anne 8102's picture

Depending on how my day is going, sometimes DH means dear husband and sometimes it means dickhead. Wink

~ Anne ~

We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.

OldTimer's picture

DH could mean- Dead Husband if he doesn't knock it off! LOL
My personal favorite is BM- bowl movement.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Nise's picture

DH = Dear Husband (or Dumb Husband or Damn Husband depending on the user and the situation)

MIL/SIL/FIL= Mother/Sister/Father In Law

BB=Bio B!t@# (though i'm sure not to many people use this one here!)

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