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O/T - a message to women from a man: You're not "crazy" - must read, MUST read

leftfield's picture

Gawd - this article reallllly helped me. I hope it helps someone here, too.

giveitago's picture

WOW!! Yes indeed, denying us our instincts which are probably correct in the first degree...sad state of affairs. I will be more mindful in future, sure enough it's happened to me and I have asked others if they think they might be overreacting too...hmmmm great article...thanks.

unbelieveable's picture

ahh - I read this. And I sent it to my FSIL right away! We were just talking about this...and as much as I can't stand FMIL she goes through this with her husband...and I think maybe that's why she is the way she is - but she does the same thing to everyone...all of her boys are like this...