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Oh fml

Tcandme's picture

I just found out my SD28 is pregnant! Kill me now, this is the same girl who posted on FB 2 weeks ago " bf and I trying to have a baby so Daddy is finally a Grandpa" mind you DH and I have been together since she was 8, BM not in the picture so I "tried" to raise her along with my children now Ds27 and DD23, we are going on our 3rd Grandchild to be born in December, we have been Grandparents for 7 years at this point! Yes I think I'm about to go off on her stay tuned........

Tcandme's picture

Exactly, she made my life hell for 20 yrs, unfortunately I have to admit my kids had to put up with her shit for years but I will be DAMNED she does this to my Grandchildren, I wish I had this knowledge and fortitude when my kids were young but at this point SHE WILL NOT discredit my Grandchildren, all hell is going to break loose!

Indigo's picture

You go and get the mother/grandmother can of "whooop-ass" out.

I was floored reading your post. Let's not even wander into the graveyard of values ... ie: intentionally having a child out of wedlock, whatever.

You HAVE grandchildren. So glad that SD decided to add to the list, but this little one will be your 4th grandbaby. Sorry that she cannot add.

I would be incandescent.

Tcandme's picture

An example of what I deal with " miniwifesyndrome"
Telephone call with Daddy 2 days ago:
DSD: Hi Daddfy what are you doing?
DH (joking and EVERYONE including her knows) oh Tcandme kept me working cleaning house doing laundry etc etc. at this point was a big Lol, I do EVERYTHING here, she knows it.
DSD: see if you moved in with me I would do your laundry (she lives 2 states away with her bf, plus when she lived here she NEVER cleaned,did laundry...nothing, she threw her clothes away and bought new ones before doing laundry.

Ummmm, you are not his lover in competition with me sociopath psycho girl!

Disneyfan's picture

Isn't this the same as dads wanting SMs to view/love his kids as their own?? We may like/love our SKs, but it isn't the same as our love for our BKs. Those same feelings may come into play when dealing with stepgrands and biogrands. Once SD has her child, if someone were to ask her dad how many grandchildren he has, would it be wrong for him to say he has one?

On the flip side, a stepdad might actually be closer to his stepkids and stepgrands than he is to his bios.

Tcandme's picture

I certanly understand what you are saying. Thank you. Regardless of the hell she put me through I believe this is in his mind a new beginning, however I dont think she's on board with this.

MotheringHeights's picture

I'm with Disneyfan. I don't understand why you'd bother really, you might get some short term satusfaction but ultimately it could jeopardise your DH's relationship with another grandchild on the back of your disdain for that child's mother. Don't drag the wee thing into it before its even born becsuse they'll be the one who misses out.

MotheringHeights's picture


Tcandme's picture

Yes you are probably right I do view this child different I guess unfortunately because of the past. Something I need to work on, Thank you for pointing this out.

Tcandme's picture

I need to make this clear, I will absolutely accept and love this baby as my own Granchild, BUT I will NOT allow this child to over take the Grandchildren we already have!

Disneyfan's picture

You may not have a say in this.

How many SMs here have said they liked/loved their SKs UNTIL they had a child of their own? There's something about havint a baby (grand baby) of your own that changes how you view/feel about your steps.

I really liked my exSDs 9&7,but I didn't treat them the same way I treated my niece9 and nephew 7. I know for a fact that I would never treat biogrands and stepgrands the same.

MotheringHeights's picture

You're already treating this grandchild differently simply because of the childs parentage. You wouldn't of posted otherwise ;-). Why fight something that is intrinsically inherent. Its how it is in blended families. Its much akin to having a closeness with your daughters children as they are more likely to seek their mum out more, see them more, babysit the kids more. You might even find your SD has a much greater appreciation and newfound perspective on many things when her child is born. Don't be quick to write her off over a backhanded comment just yet.

Rags's picture

God protect anyone who tried to tell my parents that my SS-22 is not their grandkid. He may not be their first grandchild but he is their eldest grandchild. My bride and I married a week before SS turned 2yo. My niece (my brother's eldest of 3) was 5mos old when we married. My parents had a relationship with my Skid before my niece was born.

So, you are right to clear up SD's toxic bullshit regarding making her father a Granddad. Your children have already done that. The fact that she is manipulating to give her first spawn some kind of special place of priority in the lexicon of grandkids in your family should be addressed firmly by both you and your DH.

IMHO of course.

Tcandme's picture

Thank you for your input, yes I do have resentment for SD for good reason but it is something I need to try and put behind me and work on eliminating.

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

But your grandkids are his step grandkids. Maybe your SD was just saying a 'bio grandkid' as in has your DHs DNA.

I'm not saying you DH can't or doesn't accept them like his own, my DSO thinks of my bio gkids as his, but isn't this what we complain about all the time....having to accept steps the same as bios.

hereiam's picture

Don't let her immature ramblings get to you, it doesn't matter how SHE sees it, it matters how your DH does. If he views all the grandchildren as his grandchildren, who cares what your SD says or thinks?

It burns my SD23 that her dad is closer to our niece (my sister's daughter) than he is to SD's two children. Well, SD, there is a reason for that, look in the mirror and you will see it.

QueenBeau's picture

I love SD. I've been around since she was 4.

My first grandchild will be born from my son. Her kids will be treated as my grandkid, but it won't be the same. They will have grandma & grandpa (DH & BM) & I will be something of a 3rd wheel. My child, I will be grandma to his kids, no questions asked.

Same as my child I am pregnant with now is my first child. SD is not mine.