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Normal for the age? Tiredness???

kathycrosbyvt's picture

SS12 seems to be Tired a lot. ALWAYS when he first gets up in the morning for at least one hour. Lays around on the couch playing on his phone. If asked how he’s doing SS12 will say tired.  He stays up late on weekends but we let him sleep in as late as he wants. After school he’s always tired. If asked will say tired. Can’t imagine if he played sports as he would never be able to function running around after school or getting up early on the weekend for games. 

I Definitely would consider SS Hyper and Easily bored once he gets moving but lacks the staying power. Wants to run around the house with the dogs but is to tired to run around outside with them. Can only handle easy one or two hr hikes before he Starts complaining he’s tired. Is 55 year old grandpa can out hike him. 

Is it normal for a kid his age to be tired like this.  DH thinks it is. DH just says it’s from growing pains and all teens are tired like this. 

I think SS has Untreated allergies could that be making him tired? Is he just being a lazy teen? Thoughts



ESMOD's picture

It might be that he is using the word "tired" in place of other words.  He isn't tired.. he is "bored"  or "uninterested in participation".  

He may also be somewhat out of shape due to his sedentary lifestyle.  I don't think it would be a bad idea to mention to his DR at his annual check up that he seems to be tired often.. but in the end.... it's more likely he is using the word as an excuse.

Anonyn49's picture

There is an increased need for sleep as individuals go through puberty and this type of fatigue is typical. There are also studies out there that show teenagers tend to have a different circadian rhythm than adults, with their tiredest time of day coming in the early morning and a propensity for staying up later. Its just one of many things that make for a frustrating phase. I second turning off WiFi at night and until after homework is done. Encourage good sleep habits as best you can and extend him a little bit of grace when driving you nuts laying around.

MrsMiserable's picture

I am going throught he same thing with my BS. He's almost 12 and over the past few weeks I have noticed he always looks tired, especially in the morning. He actually plays sports and does martial arts though so he stays very busy pretty much every night and every weekend. I think it might be pretty normal for this age as they are going through puberty and their bodies are changing. BS told me he doesn't sleep very well at night so I started giving him a dose of melatonin on the nights he can't fall asleep and that has helped a little bit. 

Thisisnotus's picture

SD12 is the same....nobody but me can understand why.

here is why:

She eats NOTHING but french fries and chicken nuggets....and will just nibble on that.

Drinks NOTHING but soda....never water ever.

She stays up ALL night long watching TV on weekends and sleeps until 3 PM.

She stays up ALL night long watchint TV on weekdays and screams/cries/is "sick" when it is time for school.

She has not ONE ounce of physical activity besides whatever they may do in PE a couple months a year.

Never goes outside....

Her eyes are kinda sunk with dark circles and she is pale.....

Gee, I wonder why she is tired?? LOL