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New baby on the way and worried about space

Sandy00's picture

Hi All, I am new to the site but I have dropped in from time to time for information and advice for quite a while and I found it very useful Smile Well a bit of background, I am married to a wonderful man with two stepsons who stay EOW, they are 15 and 19 years old. They live with their mother and stepfather who live only about 10 minutes away. I have no kids of my own yet but I am due to have our first early next year (we are over the moon!!)

My husband and I live in a two bedroom house and the boys stay in one of the bedrooms in bunk beds when they stay with us. The room is fairly small so there is just enough room for the bunk beds , chest of drawers and a wardrobe. Now here is my worry, what are we going to do about space when the baby arrives?? I've been losing sleep over this now and want to have this sorted before the baby comes, as it'll be the last thing I want to worry about afterwards.

The only suggestion I could think of is to take down the bunk beds (which are empty 90% of the time) and turn it into the babies room, maybe buy a sofa bed for when the kids stay, but my husband does not want to take down the bunk beds, which will leave very little room for the cot and everything else that goes with having a new baby. i can understand my hubby not wanting the kids to stay on a sofa bed but what are the alternatives, I am panicking over this and getting really upset. Plus I can't see two teenage boys wanting to share a room with a baby anyhow. help! Any advise is much appreciated:?

Disneyfan's picture

The baby's crib can go in your room for now.

The 19 year old may not be visiting much longer. As soon as that happens, let the baby and 15 year old share the room. When SS is at mom's the baby uses the room. When SS is with you, have the baby sleep in your room.

briarmommy's picture

I would have the baby in with you for a while and explain that since the oldest is now 19 he will be on a sofa bed and the 15yr old will share with the baby. Once the 19yr old stops visiting for overnights put the yournger SS unto the sleeper sofa and then the baby will have the second bedroom. But until the oldest step stops visiting I think your child will have to share with the younger one.

giveitago's picture

I would want my baby to sleep in the same room as me at least until baby slept all night. I like the suggestion of a sleeper sofa, I'd reiterate that they boys are getting a bit too old for bunk beds. I think a converstation with the boys, and see what compromises they are willing to make for their new baby brother/sister would be in order. DH might agree to the sleeper sofa if the boys are not opposed to it. A portable crib in your room would work for baby when the boys are there, like disneyfan says.
After a discussion with the boys on the decor of the room I think you'll discover that they really do not mind what you decide on.
If you have a baby on the way the practicalities and finances probably say NO to buying a bigger house right now.

I'd see how the boys feel, maybe they want a sleeper sofa downstairs? How big is your family room?