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Need Your Input ...

Mocha2001's picture

Calling all moms … that includes step-moms because we are, after all, moms.

I posted about SS pronating foot. Well BB supposedly took SS to the doctor today to have his foot looked at. Now, the reason I’m posting this is because I’m hoping someone out there has experience with this and they can provide me with some information.

BB said the DR said all children are flat footed until age 8 (this is true). DR supposedly said that all children have pronating ankles as it is a result of being flat footed … not true from what we read. So, DR told BB just to make sure that SS has shoes with arch supports in them to counter the “leaning in” of the ankle.

Most of you probably don’t know what a pronating ankle is, and that’s fine … I’m hoping someone out there has experience with this and can either support what BB has told us, or refute it. Either way we are scheduling our own appointment with a DR to have SS ankle looked at … if we have conflicting information then I guess WW III is on!

Okay, most of you know the drama about SS not having seen the DDS in 2.5 years. Well BB didn’t take him to the appointment we scheduled, supposedly the DDS we scheduled the appointment with wasn’t covered on her insurance (she is the primary), so she scheduled an appointment tomorrow the 18th.

Well, she called tonight and has a conflict with work, can’t take SS to the DDS, so she asked DH if he could take SS. Of course DH said yes, and of course I get to go too, so I’m pretty excited about that.

Any information ya’ll can hand out about the pronating ankle would be greatly appreciated.

~ Katrina

Krissy's picture

Firstly, while it is true that all children (about 90%) are born with flat-feet, the arch begins to develop at around age 3, and is usually formed by age 8-10. While the child might still appear flat-footed, when he doesn't put weight on the foot (stand on toes), the arch will appear. If it doesn't, there might be another problem going on. Also, if the flat foot causes the ankle to roll (pronation) then there could be pain associated. This definitely needs to be corrected. However, no, flat feet do not always cause pronation, but it's possible that the doctor just didn't explain this properly to BB. It's kind of confusing.

Does SS have any pain in the foot or ankles or is it just that you are noticing that he is walking on his arches, wearing out his shoes quickly, etc.?

Mocha2001's picture

In the past his mother has attributed the pain to growning pains, so we did the same. When we realized he had the pronation DH asked him if his foot hurt. SS said, "yes, it always hurts." DH asked, "which foot." SS said, "left one, it's always the left one daddy." At the baseball game the other night he said his foot was hurting. I asked him to show me where and he pointed to the inside of his foot where his arch would be. I've noticed that his shoes ware on the toes and outside heal. I know a lot of kids walk on their toes, and his dad is duck toed, so I just figured that's what it was. Of couse his mother never puts him in proper shoes.

Once we started our research I knew the flat footedness was normal ... so that didn't worry us as much, but the insurance BM has ... is Group Health. I don't know if you have it out there, but we call it "Group Death" because they screw up so much.

What I first noticed was that his ankle seemed to be "out of alignment" from his foot. I pointed it out to DH and then he noticed the flat footedness. SS used to be (until abotu 6 months ago) very anal about ALWAYS having to have his shoes on. We used to say "if you don't stop kicking the seat I'll take your shoes away" in the car ... it worked he stopped. Anyway, so that's why I don't think any of us noticed it before ... with shoes on you cannot tell. It isn't until you see him barefoot, without socks on (another anal trait) that you can tell.

~ Katrina

laughterandtears's picture

I can't tell you one way or the other about the pronation thing, but I am glad you posted aboout it since I a baby who is a year today. I also wanted to comment on your SS's DDS appt. and the fact that you get to be there Clapping YEA!!!!


Mocha2001's picture

This may be the one and only time, and unfortunately the insurance his mother his is crap, so I fear it will not be a good experience for SS. But yes, I'm excited I get to be there.

~ Katrina