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need opinions on college costs

lilgirlz2's picture

Hi! I need an opinion on college costs. My stepdaugher is going to an expensive college (53k per year). We pay 11k a year towards it. The rest of the money comes from bms parents and SD will have qbout 15k a year in loans. SD recently asked for some money ($300) for the year to go towards school supplies etc. We refused because vm doesn't pay directly towards tuition..just her parents. VM then confronted my husband and laid out expenses she incurs..including car insurance, sorority dues and general cost of living expenses for the four months SD is home. She had paid about 8k towards school expenses...including a winter class and housing deposit. Bm insists that she is paying at least the 11k that we do if you add in living expenses. We feel that the grandparents contribution is not from bm but for SD directly and that until bm pays 11k we shouldn't have to pay anything extra. What do you spend for Adult college students..should we pay for anything above tuition? SD does work and pays for own books and living expenses while at school. Do you pay for haircuts and copays when they are home. Because bm pays for them and says she wants SD to save for school and not have more loans. Should we pay for any of this? The grandparents are going to pay about 80k of college costs..we are paying 44k. Bm will only pay about 20k but insists that since age pays for everything else it equals out. Bm is saying that because she is 18 she still costs money..same as she did before. We paid our xs and are done. She should have saved some of that money to use for the next four years. Not to mention SD could have gone to a cheaper school and then we wouldn't have had to pay anything because grandparents would have paid it all. Either way legally we are not responsible. Are we being fair? Is bm exaggerating costs?

Jsmom's picture

Is this Court ordered CS? If not, pay what you want...Honestly, I think all of you are paying way more than neccessary. If she wants an Ivy league education, she needs scholarships or go to a state school. My son is headed to a state school that is number 4 in the country for engineering next year and the most we have to figure out is 9K after the state scholarship.

She can get another job or take out more loans.

lilgirlz2's picture

There is no more court ordered cs. The tuition we pay was due to divorce decree which said we had to pay half of in state tuition.. we make too much for her to get any financial aid at all. She choose to go to a 53k a year college and have 60k worth of loans. Ee are paying our ordered 11k a year and don't feel like we should have to pay any living expenses as she is an adult. If she wasn't going to college we wouldn't pay any expenses at all.

Still Have Hope's picture

No you shouldn't pay any more. SD should get a job to pay living expenses. i worked 30 hours a week and carried the max class load every semester until graduation. College is not a party. It is preparation for life. If you want to succeed you made sacrifices to do so.

smdh's picture

You have to pay what the decree says you have to pay. Anything over and above that is your CHOICE. It is not up to SD or BM or anyone to make that decision for you. Their circumstances have nothing to do with your choice. Period. Married parents are not obligated to pay for college and neither should divorced parents. She made a CHOICE to go to that school. The consequence for HER choice is she'll have more loans. It's called life.

lilgirlz2's picture

Yeah..that is what we are going to do. Not a penny more. She asked last year if we could buy her sheets...we did. Her mom bought her everything else for her dorm and computer. The other day she asked if we could go to Target. What could you need this have all your stuff from last year. She did work all summer and over breaks bit used that money for books and any extras at school. None of that money goes towards tuition per se..just clothes etc. If her mother wants to take her to Target and buy her haircuts and pay for copays or birth control that is up to the Bm. If she had gone to a cheaper school we could have helped SD with some expenses because we wouldn't have to pay tuition. But she choose to go to this school so we aren't going to help her above and beyond. Her choice.