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Need Help With A Riddle... Nothing To Do With SKIDS!!

stepmom1989's picture

Its a game my home town plays every year. Its called the Medallion hunt. They give us clues to a certin place. I'm stumped lol

Clue #1
It's year 26 and here we are again...

It's a quarter plus one

And it's time for our yearly fun...

Clue #2
Transformation provided within

Clue #3
Build it and they will come

Clue #4
Comes pheasant, quail, dove season and he's out and about...

Clue #5
Elementary, my dear Watson - "pink"

stepmom1989's picture

When I seen #2 clue and #3, I was thinking maybe a church? Then "build it and they will come" reminds me of the movie Field Of Dreams. and the quote 'Elementary, my dear Watson' is off the movie 'Sherlock Holmes'. I'm confused!

stepmom1989's picture

The theater is pretty old, but they do tend to play movies that have been out for years. There is 2 baseball fields and they are not close to any school. The mascot is the Crusader for the high school. Then the middle school is the Blue Knights. Then there is 3 elementary schools. Kennedy is The Warriors. Eisenhower Eagles, Lincoln Patriots.

stepmom1989's picture

When I was looking up the saying "build it and they will come" I thought of ghosts and baseball field because of the movie "Field Of Dreams" and also Teddy Roosevelt who also had the saying "build it and they will come" There IS a Roosevelt school in town but its for bad kids who are in Junior High who cant get along so they go to that school.

The saying "Elementary, my dear Watson - "pink" Could be the Movies OR it could be the meaning of what Sherlock Holmes ment when he said it. Meaning common sense, easy.