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More bras and panties

AmIWicked's picture

So I posted before about SS16 stealing my bras and thongs.
We just got back from vacation. When I was packing for vacation, I did not have enough "good"panties to go on vacation-if you know what I mean, I had to go buy more before vacation. Now that I'm home and SS16 is gone at his mom's for visitation, I did another "under the bed check" and sure as shit he has more of my clothes...
AND HE HAS UNDERWEAR I DON'T RECOGNIZE! (It is not mine, not SD18, not SD14,...and I'm fairly certain it isn't BM's, although I can't be 100%) SD18 and BM both are my size in bra and panties (we wear the same size pants-10/12 and SD18 tells me BM is the same size bra), SD14 isn't developed yet, wears and barely fits an A cup and is a size 1/2 pants. Half the bras and panties I found were a 32C and size 4 panties-not the kind I bought for SDs or mine.

SS16 doesn't drive and doesn't go anywhere without an adult taking him SO WHERE IS HE GETTING THESE???!!! HIS RELATIVES???

I let DH "talk" to him before, but I'm going to say something about it this time.
On the 4th of July I found him in my room. He said he was weighing himself on my bathroom scale after our vacation to see how much he had gained from vacation. I don't fucking believe him.
I want to get a lock for our bedroom, but DH will forget and leave it unlocked or leave the key out for SS to find.

DH's response has just been an,"ok, ok"

AmIWicked's picture

What I meant was the first time, when DH handled it, DHL just talked to SS and kept everything hush-hush so SS didn't know I knew about it-also no one else, save for septalkworld found out about it.
When I told DH, NO I AM GOING TO TALK TO SS ABOUT IT. I meant DH had his chance to handle it. SS was given a second chance to shape up. Now everyone is going to know. I'm telling SS that I know what he is doing. His sisters are going to know and (through his sisters I'm sure BM will find out too-even though DH does not want to tell her directly.)
SS days of sneaking around the house are gone. I'm going to make damn sure he knows.

Rags's picture

Time to inform the entire family as well as his friends parents. This perv needs to have his ass bared publically to anyone who he has opportunity to victimize.

Own his ass. He is 16 not 6. He needs to feel the full accountability for his actions.

Leave no potential victim off of the notification list.

Last In Line's picture

I would wash them and leave them where everyone could see them, with a note along the lines of "SS: Here's your panties from under your bed, wasn't sure which drawer you keep them in when they are clean so just left them here for you to put away"

Maxwell09's picture

...maybe you could just come right out and ask him at family dinner. "Hey SS is there a reason why you are collecting my and your sister's undergarments to keep under your bed? I can buy you your own unused if you want some but stealing isn't something that's going to be tolerated regardless if its "just" underwear"

AmIWicked's picture

The problem is keeping track of the keys. (My DH will leave them sitting around, as he does with his current keys.)

-and the dirty laundry... some of the stuff under SS bed was dirty like it had been taken from the laundry room, or maybe the washing machine had been stopped mid-cycle and stuff removed!?

AmIWicked's picture

I talked to DH about it this morning and he, well I talked and he listened. DH gets quiet when he is pissed and shuts down. He did say he agrees there needs to be punishment but does not know what to do. And agreed that SS is never, ever to be allowed in our bedroom or bathroom again for any reason whatsoever.
I did not suggest punishmentsome but said it needed to be huge. The worst he has ever gotten. He has stolen. Stolen twice. From multiple people. And extremely personal intimate items. I also told him, "how would you feel if a stranger off the street came in and stole your wife and daughter's bras and b panties? And how do you think we would feel knowing some pervert had taken them from us?" I also told him that it makes me want to throw up to think that if there are bras and panties here I don't know who's they are THAT MINE COULD BE OUT IN THE WORLD SOMEWHERE! AT BM'SO HOUSE? :sick: AT SS16 FRIEND'SAID HOUSE? :sick: SS does bring his baseball bag back and forth to BM'so. Maybe they have some bra and bra and panty smuggling operation going on with their moms and sisters.... :sick:

AmIWicked's picture

I don't know... I've considered all possibilities of what he is doing with them and really I don't care about the what... just the why... why mine? He does have his own money. He just doesn't drive yet.
I'm guessing he thinks if he wants something stealing is easier than asking someone to drove him to buy it...?....unless he wants these items FROM SPECIFIC PEOPLE :sick:

a better life's picture

This is more common than you would think, doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed. He is likely stealing them because they are silky and feminine to live out a fantasy, doesn't mean he wants that fantasy with you or his sisters it is just what the femine panties represent.

AmIWicked's picture

DH won't even listen to me when I bring this up... panty stealing CAN lead to other sex crimes... not that SS definitely will be or that all boys who do turn out to be deviates... but it CAN be a first step and CAN lead to other things...
It does worry me and there are stories of men who have stolen panties from laundry mats or from community building washing machines and HAVE CRIMINAL CHARGES, DONE TIME, AND ARE NOW SEX OFFENDERS!
That should be enough to scare the shit out of SS, RIGHT?

still learning's picture

I don't know what legal rights you have over skid if any, but I would take photos of his underwear stash and email it to the local PD or go in and file a report. If he's stealing items from neighbors/friends homes then it's a pretty serious issue. I would also alert his school counselor to this disturbing behavior. If DH finds out and gets mad then oh well. He needs to seriously address this issue and he's done nothing.

I found a FaceBook page devoted to this kind of behavior and what they do with their stash. Many steal the underwear then masturbate in them. They seem to always want more underwear and devise ways of getting into womens homes to get them. Pervert Psycho behavior.

AmIWicked's picture

I can't believe that there is a Fucking Facebook group for this!
I talked to my husband about it last night and he said he was going to "think about it and wanted to handle it in house and no one else needs to know" and we would talk later. I cried at him, didn't yell, but told him that-he DH, was so embarrassed himself about the sex stuff and "what" SS stole DH is overlooking the fact that there is a serial thief living in his home! DH has the opportunity to do something about his son stealing BEFORE SS GETS ARRESTED FOR IT. WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT NOW? THERE HAS NOT BEEN ENOUGH TIME FOR YOU TO THINK? WE CAN'T HAVE ANYONE ELSE FINDING OUT? I WOULD THINK YOU WOULD WANT THE ADVICE OF YOUR PARENTS? BM'S stuff was taken too (we think) doesn't she deserve to know SS is stealing in her home too?

still learning's picture

If this were my situation I would take a pic and let BM know. Maybe she'll do something about her sick pervo son. A kid stealing his own mothers underwear and likely jerking off in them is woefully disturbing. Your DH wanting to keep it secret enables the situation, will make it worse, fester. Give DH a choice: either he gets his kid into therapy ASAP or you got to the police. BM needs to know so she can lock her bedroom door and address the situation on her end.

You have a voice and are a victim of his behavior, your silence keeps you and all the other women he has stolen from victimized. Do something!

FieryEscape's picture many different levels of EWWWWW! :sick:

I hope you are burning these bras and panties ...they should never be worn again. Washing them does not make them clean. All I can imagine is a perv hormonal 16 year old boy doing intimate things with his relatives and SMs personal stolen undergarments. Something is VERY wrong with this kid.

You DH needs to take his head out of his ass and fix this issue. Kid needs to be punished and needs to pay for everything he stole. I've put with tons of crap in blended hell...but this would be my hill to die on.

AmIWicked's picture

That's another thing, least my things are not cheap. My bras are VS and FofH, probably why they got taken-they were frilly and nice and expensive! The other ones taken(not mine) are all bright colors lace or satin.

By my estimate, my things taken were easily $1300 alone just this second time. He easily has 20 pairs of my panties and 6 bras.

I would guess these others are not cheap either given the quality of the look of them but even a pack of generic Walmart panties are $5 for a pack and a Walmart bra is easily $20? This kid has got a lot to pay back from what he stole THE FIRST AND SECOND TIME,... FROM ME AND FROM EVERYONE ELSE!