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MIL is so sneaky or weird! Another petty post

Focused_onourlife's picture

I don't know why it always seems like my MIL does things underhandedly so she doesn't have to face my DH. So my DH was talking to MIL last week and telling her about a party we were having for our YDS birthday (2/21 and MIL 2/19) and I heard him tell her the day of DS bday. Now I know she has 6 GKS and will not remember all but he is on bday #9 so he of all gks she should remember because its 2 days after hers and has been for almost a decade.

Anyway, the point is,  she apparently forgot his bday even after DH told her days before the day. She texted our BD on the 23rd telling her to tell DS happy bday and she is sending him a gift. Instead of calling DH who she talks to more then anyone of us. Then she texted ME today telling me DS wanted shoes and can I get them and she'll reimburse me. Now she didn't bother to reply to my bday wish to her on her bday via text, but she's texting me asking if I would buy my son a gift from her. I have ignored the text thus far but a part of me wants to text her back "send this to YOUR SON". I know she's going through DD and I because she doesn't want DH to know she forgot his bday but the way she's going about it is one of the reasons I have always kept her sneaky ass at arms length.  Ugh this woman.

ndc's picture

Just text MIL back and tell her you'll show the text to DH so he can pick up the shoes.  If you think she's trying to keep stuff from him, let her know it doesn't work that way in your household.

Focused_onourlife's picture

I'm back! So I did exactly that and she just said thanks. It was actually a screenshot I sent to DH so I know he saw that she didn't reply to my bday wish either. He didn't reply at all to the text that day. 

So yesterday I asked if he talked to MIL. He apparently thought that we (mil and I) discussed this, in other words he played dumb as to not get involved.  I just told him she should have asked him not me or just sent the money like she has done before. Suddenly,  he remembered that he told her that I usually purchase the kids shoes and I know a place to get them inexpensive.  

I know my DH doesn't want to be in the middle but I'm not trying to put him there he and his mom needs to know that I'm not playing along or playing dumb to her underhanded bs anymore.

This started out with her trying to get me to parent my SD's for DH (or play the mommy role and let DH off the hook) and now any chance she gets to force my hands she will even if she can try to control what I do for our kids on her terms. Crazy I know. Nice try Mil.

Just J's picture

No. I would ignore also. Has this woman not heard of Amazon? There is no need for you to go get a present "from her" for your own son. if she cared enough, she'd find a way to get the shoes to him and I guarantee you don't get paid back for "her" present. My mom is in her 70s and she buys stuff on Amazon all the time so I wouldn't believe your MIL does not know about it. And why does she think her forgetting your son's birthday is a secret from your DH? Weird.

Focused_onourlife's picture

JJ,  I so wanted to ignore it to prove a point but I just texted back that I forwarded the text to DH and he can handle it. And guess what? Now, she's sending DH the money to make the purchase.  

She's the Amazon queen, that's how the kids get most of their gift from her so this was all new and uncalled for. I get she wanted DS to get the shoes he would like but the way she went about it was.....ODD. She had a motive but only she knows and she would have to live with my DH knowing her intent. She's in her 70's as well and like I said, DS bday is 2 days after hers she just never really cared enough when it comes to focused I mean our Bk's. Hopefully for her, she will realize before she turn 75 that DH is a package deal.

As far as ger forgetting DS's birthday, my DH had just told her a week before what day his bday was on so instead of calling DH to speak to DS to wish him a happy day she tried to do it behind DH back through DD (3 days late) so she wouldn't have to answer to DH as to why she was late. My speculation but that's all I have to go by because she goes through DH any other time.