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Is this the life I want

Unhappy's picture

I have been thinking about this all day. Is this really what I want? SO and I have been fighting a lot lately. It's ususally always about his kids. I'm just wondering if we're compatible together. I have never been in a relationship where there is so much fighting going on. I'm usually the one who starts it but it's because I get to a point where I just can't stand the way his kids act. Last night his BS(4) kept getting out of bed and coming out to the living room saying that the dog had peed on his blanket. Every time SO would go beck there to check there was nothing. Finally like the 10th time he went back to look he found a wet spot. When he brought the blanket out I made a comment about how I would wash it. He made a comment about the dog and I told him that it might have been his son who peed on the blanket and then blamed it on the dog. Wouldn't be the first time he has had an accident. So of course SO gets all upset that I made the comment. This little boy has just straight peed on the living room floor instead of walking his little butt down the hallway to use the bathroom and this was after he was potty trained. I think that my assumption that he might have peed on the blanket to get daddies attention is warranted especailly seeing as how there was no wet spot until the 10th check.

I am just sick of fighting. I love SO and I think that he is a great guy. I just don't think that we are compatible personality wise. And I don't want to wait until the kids are gone to start living my life with him. Unfortunately if I stay with him that's how it will be.

Any advise?

Unhappy's picture

I have been with my SO for a year and a half and it's not just his son he also has a BD(6) who has a whole world of different issues. I would like to think it's long term. We're planning on gettting married next July. But I also wonder if this is what I really want. His kids are so clingy and demanding. Our relationship gets put on the back burner every other week because they can't manage to entertain themselves and need his constant attantion. It drives me nuts. We can't go anywhere to be alone in the house without them knocking on locked doors (we have to lock them just to keep them out so we can talk) or following him around. We can't have a conversation in front of them because they will be running around like little mad men screaming and butting into the conversation. That's why I keep asking myself if this is what I really want. They won't change. SO thinks that they will but I don't and from what I have read on this site it seems like it won't. I just don't know what to do. It's frustrating to meet such a great guy that has kids that you can't stand most of the time. It drives a huge wedge into the relationship. And there are certain things that I want from a relationship that I just can't have with him at this time. Maybe when the kids move out but that's years from now. I will have wasted a lot of valuable time. i just wonder is it going to be worth it in the end.

herewegoagain's picture

RUN! I wish I had 12+ yrs later I have a son. I love our son. Had it not been for my son, I would have been gone. It never ends.