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Just got off the phone w/ dh, and now i am all aggitated

PeanutandSons's picture

Dh just got off work and is on the way to pick the kids up from daycare. For some reason he mentions how he actually likes picking up the kids, and he didn't think he would. (up until mid-dec I picked the kids up and he didn't get home until it was almost bedtime). I say how that's good ect. And he mentions how they really just go watch tv in their rooms and don't bother him. I make a joke about how I wish I knew his secret cause they never do that for me.

And he gets all defensive and goes off on how they aren't that bad, and I have no patience for them. That he thinks they are well behaved. And lists off an example of the kids of a family friend that are out of control, and says that they are better than that. And ends up hanging up on a huff.

And of coarse I am ay work and can't reallly say anything back without looking like a nut job to my coworkers.

Nevermind that he has the kids in his presence for a maximum of three hours at a time, and only one of those he's there without me.
The last time he had all the kids for any length of time was last October, he had them for eight hours while I was at a conference for work. I met up with them for lunch and he was so livid with theory behavior that he didn't take them anywhere all day. Went back to the hotel room and took a nap while they watched tv. And then insisted on going home first thing the next day, instead of spending the day at the resort enjoying ourselves.

And somehow because they aren't the worst kids you can think of, that somehow makes them well behaved? That's really the standard you are ok with, not being the worst?

I'm too picky and don't give them a chance..... Yet every time he has to deal with them he's beyond frustrated and pissed at them. But heaven forbid I express the slightest annoyance with them.

So once again, all effort and contributions I have made to raising these kids has been completely belittled and cast aside.

windee's picture

I know how you feel. It sucks!Sounds like your DH wants to be the good dad and enjoy them were good, but not when bad.

PeanutandSons's picture

I just don't get how he can equate him having the kids an hour after school where they are watching being the same frustration wise to me having them all by myself for ten hours straight on sat and Sunday, and getting them up and ready for school 5 days a week.

Yeah, if our scheduals were reversed I'm sure id be stress free about it too!

PeanutandSons's picture

His next shift bid is in about two months, and I've told him he needs to get atleast one weekend day off.

We haven't had any days off together since December. He has Tue and Wed off, and I am off Fri-Sun. So I basically feel like a, as he's only home a few hours in the evenings with us.

OptimisticMe's picture

Well then I think he should get them up and ready for school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. You have to take care of them all day on your days off, why shouldn't he have to do the same and give you a tiny break?

PeanutandSons's picture

The skids go to school and then daycare, and BS goes to daycare. He picks them up at the end of the day, same as if he was working.

youbetheparent's picture

Well, since they are so good for him, he should be the one to take care of them. That would be the end of the discussion for me.

duct_tape's picture

I think it was Mazzy who said this one time. Write a list of what you do and a seperate list of what he does. Ask him to compare lists and agree that they are fair and right and equal. As soon as he agrees that they are...switch with him.

Watch jaw hit floor.