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Jealousy games about watching her kids

newwtostepguy's picture

If I dont babysit my gf's two kids on my only day off work (I only get one day a week off and work a lot of hours) She will say "Oh I will just get Bob or Mike to do it." Bob is her former father in law (creepy annoying guy) and Mike is her ex husband and her kids' father. She will say this condescendingly then she will text them on front of me using many smiley faces and overly friendly language with them and will rub it in if I can't do it then they will so she doesn't really need me anyways. I don't think this is fair since I only get one free day a week to get things done I need to do so why rub it in?

Winterglow's picture

Smile back, say "good for you" and go do something else. It is her job to ensure a babysitter. Just make it clear that the babysitting will NOT be in your home. Her ex wants to look after his kids? Fine, but at his place not yours.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You are still with this chick?? Gaaaaaaaah. For the love of Pete, WHY?!?!?!

The father of her children SHOULD be watching HIS kids. YOU should not be babysitting them.

I agree with hereiam.... THIS IS NOT THE GIRL FOR YOU. Do you enjoy being unhappy? Are you lacking in self worth?? I am completely serious. I honestly do not understand why you continue with this horrble relationship.

pwoodlson's picture

Her ex, ex father in law etc, should be watching the kids!!!! (btw at their places not hers!) After all they are family. Not your kids, not your problem! The father of her children should be watching his kids however at his place, not hers!!!!! She sounds like a user who is just looking for a free sitter/someone to help raise her kids. 

Winterglow's picture

As a matter of curiosity, newtostepguy, how old are her kids, how much does she work, and how much of the bills are you paying for?

TrueNorth77's picture

If you made a list of things that are good/bad about this relationship, I suspect you would have 1 thing on the good side, (most likely that she is hot), and 872 things on the bad side. This sounds terrible. You do know that there are happy relationships out there, right? What kind of b*tch makes you feel bad for not wanting to watch her kids on your ONE day off? That's not even enough time off to do basic things like laundry, shopping, errands, much less to have down time and regroup after a long week. She doesn't care about your feelings at ALL. About ANYTHING. In the words of HereIAm, this is not the girl for you.

Maxwell09's picture

She is a manipulator...I won't assume she is a narcissist just based on the small tidbit you gave us but if I were you I would have a little chat with her ex to see why he says they didn't work out. I predict she was a controlling, manipulative person if she is trying this on you to get you to do what she wants. 

markwvualum's picture

Why doesn't she have their father watch the kids? After all he is their father and I can guarantee you will be reminded of that plenty of times in more ways than you can count in this relationship so you may as well be the one to bring it up now too. It is called co-parenting. These kids are not your responsibility. Do not be used. Also what she is doing (trying to make you jealous by texting them in that way) is abusive. She is trying to manipulate you. Don't allow it. Walk away. Let her hear the sound of your footsteps walking............

Rags's picture

If you live close enough to BioDad and GrandPa then by all means use them to babysit your Skids.  That is better than you having to do it.  As soon as she sends the text to BioDad or GrandPa to watch them.... show her dinner reservations for the two of you.  Dirol


Or better yet... read 1WonderWoman's comment above.

Chevy92's picture


Notup4it's picture

Meh, next time she asks beat her to the punch and say “You should ask dad or grandpa... I’m sure they would want you to ask them before you ask me”. All it is is looking for a reaction.... so don’t give one. Who cares? 

Harry's picture

why isn’t BF watching his kids.  They should have some daddy and kid time.  Maybe he can keep them the whole weekend !!!