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I'm leaving DH and ALLLLLLL the bullshit that comes with being a stepmother - My car is packed

unwillingparticipant's picture

My car is packed, I have appointments today to see some apartments. I'm 10000% done and feel entirely relieved finally! And terrified. Has anyone really done it and left the DH/DW? Advice, support?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Good luck, you will be fine and you are doing the right thing if you felt that you just couldn't deal with it anymore. Wishing you much success.

thinkthrice's picture

SMART LADY!! Good for you and KUDOS to escape stepHELL!!! Stay VERY strong and UNMOVED!!

christinen's picture

You will never regret leaving a toxic situation for something better! It may not happen today or tomorrow, but eventually you will find someone better who will make you wonder what the hell you were ever thinking!! Best of luck to you!!

lillfiredog's picture

Oh, good for you. I am about done too.... But throwing away 14 years makes me sad. Being miserable makes me sadder. Good luck! Smile

unwillingparticipant's picture

Thank you all for the support - I know I will be lonely but happier for not having to deal with stephell every damn day anymore

hereiam's picture

You may be terrified, but it says something that you are also relieved. You are doing the right thing. Smile

grow-a-nut's picture

I was terrified but worked my butt off to get an apt in a different state. I've never looked back. I left on December 14th 2012 and was in my own place since the first of February. My parents let me stay with them until I saved enough for deposit and 1st months rent. You can do it. It is scary and sometimes lonely but I think about what I left behind and the loneliness is gone.

I do not date. I work, eat and sleep. I love my life now.

kawhill's picture

Keep driving....I am about to do the exact same thing. Not my kid not my problem. Didn't marry to be an unpaid nanny housewife!