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How to disengage with DH's road rage????

Silent River's picture

DH has this arrogance that rears it's ughly head when ever he gets behind the wheel. It has gotten to the point where I do not want to ride with him. I look for reasons to not go along but it is not always possible. I don't like being the driver as he is very critical. Even when he doesn't say anything, his mannerisms show an attitude. Last straw, he is driving up a hill at night in the middle lane of a three lane (mountains have a third lane so uphillers can pass slower vehicles). You should be in far right lane if not passing and down hillers can use the lane if clear. He stated he had to use passing lane due to wildlife possibilities on side of road. There was no one in right lane so he was NOT passing, but driving in center lane. Two on coming vehicles are obviously side by side and he about claims that center lane like a game of chicken! Then he faked like he couldn't tell the car was in our lane when I got upset with him, after the fact! Bull. He KNEW that car was in his lane and it was his responsibility to move right (which he did at the last minute). So sick of his driving! The other thing he does is correct slower cars that he passes by pulling in very close in front of them upon completion of pass, or driving too close to their tails. I avoid riding with him but it is not always possible. Is there anything else I can do?

Thanks, in advance.

Aeron's picture

"I'm not driving with someone that cares more about their own ego than others safety. I'll drive myself, thanks. "

Silent River's picture, you sound like me. I remember when we were dating thinking, sure is nice to be with a man who doesn't have road X was horrible. Well, DH kept it well hidden until marriage, and it does get slowly worse, like a cancer, until one day you wake up and ask yourself if that really just happened... And how did that happen??

BethAnne's picture

If you haven't already you need to have a sit down with him and tell him that his games are in no way fun or funny and that you value your life and his and that of any other road users. He needs to stop acting like a little boy and start driving like a responsible adult.

I did have an ex who drove like this when I first met him. He was all round immature for his age at the time. Slowly after being with me for a while and me pointing out his idiocy he did improve and mature somewhat and became a more responsible driver. Not saying that they all get better but this one did.

SugarSpice's picture

road rage is just a projection of other things eating away at dh.

for instance dh always found a way to rage at me when he really wanted to rage at bm who cheated on him and took the skids.

Silent River's picture

That is an interesting way to look at it, and a very good point. I think you just hit the nail on the head, SS.

Maxwell09's picture

ugh I know the feeling! My DH has the absolute worst driving rage. He is that aggressive driver that is acting all crazy and then blames the other driver for any confusion. If a car isn't going 5 more than the speed limit, he's ready to blow his horn. If someone is on their cell phone he is ready to swerve past them. Twice today he has put the car in reverse to back up in a forward going lane! We were leaving the parking lot that only allows right turns but after I reminded him we needed to go left he tried to pull it in reverse with a car coming up behind us! I am the complete opposite. My motto for when I am driving and DH asks me to speed is: The speed limit is the max, not the average buckwheat. He gets so aggravated that I don't pull illegal U-turns and if I need to turn around or change direction after the fact I go through the light. I try not to be that asshole that blocks up traffic to get three lanes over. At the moment we only have one car so we carpool a lot together but Ill be so happy when he gets his own vehicle so that we can just drive separately.