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Here's your sign...

onthefence2's picture

I've posted here frequently in the past about how my bf is severely enmeshed with his mommy and how he has done the same thing to his son. He is not really my bf anymore, but we still talk, hang out, etc. and he thinks he's going to marry me one day, to which I laugh. He escaped from bm's craziness when son was 2ish and didn't date anyone until me about 2.5 years ago. I've dealt with the general disappearing act when his son's in the picture 50/50, feeling like the 3rd wheel when I was with both of them, watching the Disney Dad crap and really noticing how buddy-buddy they are; I swear it's like they're frat brothers (kid is 15 now).

Anyway, I was at his house this weekend and for the first time ever, I saw it: a license plate hanging in the garage with both their names on it. You know... how a couple might do? I froze, then was relieved that I was right all along. I mean, it feels good to be right, but it's just so messed up. So many red flags, and this one was like the checkered flag at the end of the race...

onthefence2's picture

Yes, he does! He thinks he can mess around, keep being stupid and I will get over it when kid is "gone." But thankfully from this site I've learned the kids are NEVER gone. Especially not these enmeshed kids. I mean, he still visits his Mommy every week (a lot) and he's over 40!

dancemom33's picture

If you don't want to marry him then why hang out with him? Focus on you and meeting someone new. You won't have a new relationship until you are completely out of this one.

onthefence2's picture

I know. I've told him I will be accepting dates. I'm pretty much emotionally detached. I don't really care anymore. He is fun to hang out with, and that's about all it is. Seeing that "sign" was confirmation and made me even more sure of what I'm doing.