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Funny Christmas Gifts

wriggsy's picture

Since it's Monday...and coffee isn't doing it for me..I need a "pick me up". I need a Monday funny. What is the funniest thing you have ever heard a child ask for for Christmas? (doesn't have to be one of your kids/skids)

So, I was thinking of our family conversation last Friday night at our weekly trip to our favorite Mexican restaurant. I asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas and the conversation goes around the table.'s SS's turn.
This young man has a pretty awesome sense of humor when he wants to use it. So anyhow...this is what he wants:

A new XBox (something about being able to game with others online)
A trampoline
and my favorite:

An Orange Chicken Recipe.

He loves all things that have an orange flavor (I really thought he would start peeing orange juice!) and his favorite food is orange chicken from a local chinese restaurant. I LOVE IT! Of course, this also means I will be having a training session in the kitchen once he gets the recipe in his stocking!

Another very memorable one is my best friends daughter. (She has always been very modest in what she asks for) One year, when she was maybe 5 or 6 she asked for a pink fly swatter! This child has also asked for things like a coffeemaker and broom! I love hearing her Christmas list every year!!

caregiver1127's picture

I actually bought a pink fly swatter for my daughter this summer - she loves it - I don't let her swat flies with it.

wriggsy's picture

Oh that's good! I hope you wrote that down somewhere to give to her when she is older! (I have written down DD'isms and have them in a binder to give to her so that she can see how funny she is!)

Holly's picture

Coming up to Christmas one year my two boys (age 4 & 6 and hugely into GI Joe) were sitting in the back of the car and youngest pops up “Mom, I want Santa to bring me a Barbie doll”... wow I think, my son is getting the equality message very early...

“Why, son, is she going to help GI Joe save the world?” - “NO MOM, she’s going to wait home and make the dinner” !!

He didn’t get the Barbie.

stepmasochist's picture

A lady I worked with her 8 year old son at the time asked for a giant cardboard box, like a refrigerator box and a metronome.

I can understand the box. I can't tell you how much fun I'd have with a giant box as a kid and the skids simply go crazy about big boxes. I can't hardly get them to let me throw one out. Once it's banged up all to hell and no longer resembles a box at all they want to cover ever inch of it with drawings. But the metronome? My coworker wasn't really sure about that either.

Timetogiveup's picture

My SS gave his BM a Chia Pet on Christmas...he picked it out himself. I tried not to burst out laughing.