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Feel Like Partying with the BM Anyone?? Puke!!

NewBeginning's picture

SD19's baby shower is coming up next month. It's at a lake where there is going to be jet skis, volleyball, and all kinds of games. And guess what? The BM and her extended family are going to be there.

I can see myself now on the BM's volleyball team. Go team go!! Yeah right!!

My husband's family hates the BM so this should be very interesting. This woman has caused many, many problems in our relationship over the 2 years I've been with DH and if anyone honestly thinks I'm going to sit around and 'party' with the ex and her family, they're nuts.

My intent is to take my gift, eat a bite, mingle with my DH's family that is going - and then I make my exit. DH is pretty much the same way, but I can guarantee if his sons or brother get out there, he will as well.

I think I may take my own car so I can leave, as this is an hour away and I am not staying more than I feel comfortable. I am doing this for my SD only...

Am I wrong in my thinking?

now4teens's picture

Ok, maybe I'm missing something (or maybe I'm a bit of a snob- that's ok with me, too)...

But this IS a baby shower, right? So what's with the jet skis and volleyball games?

I thought baby showers were supposed to be about women getting together and giving cute baby presents to the soon-to-be mother. A lot of 'oohs' and 'aahs' over booties and cute outfits. Lunch, cake and
favors, and maybe a few party games.

But the other stuff is beyond me! If I were you, I'd be getting out of there as soon as possible! Sounds weird anyway!

Last-Wife's picture

Be on her volleyball team! Then you can "accidentally" whack her in the back of the head with a volleyball! Ever been hit with a volleyball? It hurts like hell!

Then excuse yourself from the party...

ohxitsxapril's picture

I think its a good idea that you take a separate car! I know as much as my dh dislikes bm he would still stay if his family was doing some of the jet ski stuff!