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Ex wife trying to suck yet more money!

bizbear's picture

My hubby recieved an email the other day from his ex-wife. It was sent at the beginning of the month, but for some reason he didn't see it in his inbox until about a week later, the other day. She stated that according to his 1040 from 2009 (the year they were divorced) he earned $140,000, that she didn't get her 25% share. The truth of the matter is that the 140k was his half of a 401k that was divided equally at the time of their divorce. He took that money, his share and paid off her car, her credit card, etc., as part of the divorce decree. On top of that, hubby had to pay steep IRS taxes (i think his financial advisor deserves a kick in the rear). Anyway, she had the nerve not only to request the money, but also put a time frame of yesterday, and if she didn't get her money, she would take him to court and he could expect to pay all her attorney fees and court costs. She expected a 'lump sum payment' in the amount of 35k! What nerve. On top of this, I gave DH in excess of 49k to pay off a second mortgage on their family home. Also, she lived in a 5 bedroom home all alone for almost 2 years. She refused to take her daughter in after she flunked out of college. In the meantime DH is co-signer on his daughter's student loans, in excess of 20k, which she has nothing to show for it. Thank God the ex and the daughter have made amends and the daughter lives with her now. The daughter lived with us for a was very difficult. She is a lazy girl and has an excuse for everything. Has never worked.
Sorry, had to rant! The nerve of that woman. As it is, she gets 25% of his gross pay as maintenance. She is better off divorced financially. Between maintenance and her salary, she is doing quite well, considering she does not have to support anyone...the daughter is 21.

the_evil_one's picture

Ever get the feeling marriage has just become a way for greedy sloths to hold people for ransom? I wish I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have gotten married and I don't know why the message hasn't gone out to men everywhere they should NEVER hold themselves by contract to a woman....this of course, is as good for the goose as the gander.

bizbear's picture

Evil one, I agree! This greedy woman even demanded my DH's mom's diamond ring, a family heirloom...a few minutes before the divorce was final. DH was so exhausted with dealing with her, he gave in. His attorney was even sick of her! Do they ever, ever get over it? My ex and I are for the most part amiable, although now he wants more child support. But at least in his case it is for a valid reason, although I think he gets enough! These people that carry on the evil attitude forever really bothers me.