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Everyone has different talents/strengths, sd is still trying to copy

stepmominhiding's picture

Dd13 decided to make some art, and sell it on facebook.  She was able to sell a few really quickly.  Sd13 decided she wanted to do the same,  i reminded sd not everyone had the same talents, you're really good at baking (trying to raise her self esteem). She still insists on doing what dd is doing.  Then DD realizes that sd is attempting to copy verbatim what she's doing and gets pissed! How is she to sell her work while sd is going to post a crappy copy of it in the same sale pages? I tell sd, "why don't you try to put your own spin on it?" She retorts "no I'm already almost done"

Later on after everything is done and posted dh comes to me and says, "i know dd already sold a few of her pictures, I'm afraid sd is going to get her feelings hurt." 

To be blunt, sd can't draw worth anything,  she can't paint, draw, color, sketch.  This is just not her talent set, i tried to convince her not to dup this, dh has told her the same thing. Her talent lies in brownie box mixes.  


I just hate that she wants to copy exactly what dd does,  dd told her NUMEROUS times.  I told her in MANY different nice ways. Dh could care less, until his precious snow flake might get her feefees hurt. 

momjeans's picture

Privately remind your DD: 

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. To imitate someone is to pay the person a genuine compliment — often an unintended compliment.”

Also, I’d step back. This is a learning moment for SD.

stepmominhiding's picture

I actually did tell dd that.  She was still annoyed and hated that she was copying everything verbatim.  I will step back and not say another thing to sd.  Thanks for everyone's advice, it's greatly appreciated.

stepmominhiding's picture


notarelative's picture

Later on after everything is done and posted dh comes to me and says, "i know dd already sold a few of her pictures, I'm afraid sd is going to get her feelings hurt."

Did he think your answer to this would be to have DD stop selling her work to not make SD feel bad?

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when you sell items you imitated, you can run into copyright violations. DH needs to stop worrying about his daughter's feelings and educate her on the law.

stepmominhiding's picture

Yes, he literally expected me to make dd STOP selling her items! Either that, or he wanted dd to stop drawing or painting better than sd.  

Add of today dd sold 2 more of her artwork,  sd still hasn't sold 1, and is still working on more to (not) sell

SteppedOut's picture

Seriously, hold your child back so his doesn't get her feelings hurt?!? 

This would make me mad. 

SteppedOut's picture

I hope your DH doesn't decide to buy the paintings himself so SD doesn't "suffer" the lack of money and to "make it fair".

stepmominhiding's picture

If he does, I'd be pissed, she's not 5yo, that's what the funniest thing is, everyone treats her like she's 5. Her mom is one of those that blames the teacher for anything that happens to sd's grades or behavior chart. "Oh, it's because she doesn't like her." So now sd does it all the time. "Oh it's jusy because mrs so and so doesn't like me, that why my behavior is an N in her class" or "my mom is going to call the teacher, she is going to get that grade straightened out"

SteppedOut's picture

FormerSO and formerMIL did the excuses for poor grades and getting in trouble at school too.

FormerSS would talk about the crap he did in class and I was appalled. I thought it was amazing he didn't get in trouble more! Some of the things he said he did to other kids.... if I was the other parent I'd be calling the school to complain! I'm talking physical stuff. No wonder he had zero friends. 

Allowing such behavior is condoning it. And good luck with that when you get to high school...or college (who am I kidding, that kid will not make it in college or trade school with his study habits, excuses and poor behavior). I can't imagine he will launch at a "normal" age... if ever.


MoominMama's picture

I wonder why they do this copycat behaviour? SD did this with me when she lived here. Constantly in competition. She had no real skills of her own. She even tried to copy my hair and clothes. I thi k it is because they have no real identity themselves. In the case of whats going on with your DD i think its your SD trying to say 'its not such a big deal, look i can do it too! '






Letti.R's picture

Copyright infringement.
Not everyone is happy when a no talent hack copies and tries to sell ugly knock-offs of original artistic works.
Time to educate your SD about copyright, and fraud and/or forgeries - if she is signing her name to copies of DD's work.
These may be kids but the principle holds.