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The Epitome of Stepmotherhood

MamaBass's picture

This made me laugh.
So I take care of elementary kids (gr 1-5) before and after school. This morning, one of the little girls says to me, "My friend has this stepmother, and she's really mean. She washed her sweater without asking and ruined her doll bed that was in the pocket." I said, "Well maybe she didn't know it was in there, and it was nice of her to wash her sweater, don't you think?" She says, "But she didn't even ask her."
If this isn't the epitome of the view that all children have on Stepmothers, I don't know what is. Society (and awful BMs) has trained our children this way. So no matter how many kind acts you do, and caring things you say- you're still mean.

stepinafrica's picture

WASHING A SWEATER? This right here is why I stopped doing shit for my SS. I kept getting in trouble for ridiculous things like this.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I actually had a conversation with DH last night about how I USED to do nice things for the skids (the boys, PrincASS16 and PigPen13 - I get along just fine with the girls). However, my niceness started fading when both boys thought it was okay to steal our things and (in PrincASS's case) be snotty arseholes.

I told DH that this is a 3 part problem.
1) I grew up in a very strict home (military parents). My siblings have all raised their children with the same strict standards so I am NOT used to kids who are allowed to be disrespectful and lazy and only chastised about thievery.

2) DH is at fault for Disney parenting and not wanting to rock the boat for fear the skids' fee-fees (yes, I said fee-fess to him!) will get hurt and they will open a bigass can of pout and not come over.

3) PrincASS is an A$$HOLE - rude and ungrateful. Yes, he's a nerd. So what. Being an a$$hole does NOT break the nerd stereotype. It just makes him a nerd who is an a$$hole. SMDH

One tired chick's picture

Oh no! Washing cloths without direct permission from darling SK? I assume stepmom would also be wicked if SK didn't have clean clothes to wear and would be accused of abuse for making SK wear dirty clothes.
THIS seems to be the lot stepmoms are expected to accept. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. With this thought I'd much rather DONT DO if I'll be wicked either way. At least I won't waste my time and not be appreciated.

hereiam's picture

And if step mom DIDN'T wash the sweater, she's mean. Can't win sometimes.

Can you imagine asking a child if you can do her laundry? "Oh, please let me wash your clothes, it's such a privilege."

One tired chick's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :sick: :sick: :sick:
And after I clean your clothes can I pwetty pweese scrub your bathroom floor? Bwahahahahaha!!!