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Is this emotional abuse?

markwvualum's picture

Spouse threatens to break up or breaks up with your frequently over trivial things such as you not wanting to do everything their stepkids decide to do (where to eat, what to do with your day etc) or you questioning wether or not one of their kids is sick etc. spouse threatens to kick you out of their house frequently for similar things that are silly (mainly not agreeing. With them or the skids) spouse gets in your face and yells and rages is this emotional abuse?

Indigo's picture

Seems to be more of a trouble for you. I understand excavating the past to get clarity. What have you learned? Your current life, however, seems to be a sufficient worry.

tog redux's picture

Yes, that's emotional abuse.

Whenever you wonder, just ask if society would say a man who did that very thing was abusive, and you have your answer.

A lot of men don't realize they are being abused because we've conditioned them to think that women are "emotional" and "irrational" and that men have to be the "strong ones" who put up with this type of behavior from women.

Harry's picture

You are an Adult. You are in a “ relationship “ with your SO.  Kids do not control anything.  Adults control the life.  You eat where the adults pick. Not where the kids want to go.  

If your SO is treating you this way.  It’s time to move on.  Really is, no if ands or buts. 

Rags's picture

This is unacceptable, it is abuse, and you need to call a locksmith, rekey the locks, put this POS and his toxic crotch droppings on the curb and purge them all from your life.

Take care of you.