To Divorce or Not
I feel completely lost.
Relationship with SD 22 broke down 6 months ago and we don't speak anymore. My wife and I are moving with our 2 biological sons and this involved cleaning out the atic space. I found property belonging to SD (a lapdancing pole) and dropped it off at her address this morning.
This evening she decided to cause a huge argument because I dropped it off and told me I wasn't allowed at her home. I responded telling her she was no longer welcome in my home and out of anger told her she wasn't seeing my children anymore. I've since retracted this and recognised it wasn't the way to go.
To my wife's credit she came home and wasn't an arse with me and I caused the fight because I was hurt but it feels like this split in our family is too big. When we argue about it we both end up talking about splitting up.
I know she is in a very difficult situation and I don't expect her to sacrifice her relationship with her daughter but I'm not letting SD speak to me disrespectfully and have no consequences.
It's a massive mess and I feel like it might be too hard to carry on. It's not what I want but I don't want to get to the stage where we hate each other and it affects our boys.
I have no idea what to do.
A temporary separation might
A temporary separation might be next, give everyone to cool down.
As for the SD, her mother can see her outside of the house and you need to just disengage from her totally. The bios don't need to see her right, she sounds like a hot mess right now. Not everyone slides into adulthood gracefully. Boundaries are your friend. SD put some in place, you put some in place. Respect them.
I agree with this. Sorry you
I agree with this. Sorry you're having such a hard time.
Thank you. It just feels like no matter what I decide none of them have a good outcome.
My wife won't allow me to prevent access of SD to her brothers but I've told her all access now needs to be supervised.
I've told her SD isn't welcome in our home and must wait outside if she is coming to see her.
My wife refuses to see how toxic SD is being and why I have concerns and I don't seem to have the language to explain. Every time it's discussed we row.
Anyone who can't treat both
Anyone who can't treat both me and my husband with respect don't get to have a relationship with my kids. Period. I wouldn't let her near your kids. Who knows if she might decide to try and turn them against you?
Supervised Contact
I've told her all contact with SD must be supervised now until I'm confident she isn't poisoning my children against me.
I've said anything that is fed back through SD will not be listened to and if she is unable to have contact and not discuss me then contact will be limited.
It hurts that after 16 years of raising her and paying for everything it's come to this.
first off, if you find
first off, if you find something of hers, tell your wife and if it's not given over throw it out after 48 hrs.
second, your wife is more than able to form a relationship w/ her daughter outside your home.
have you considered marital counselling? it may be the last thing that can be done to save what you know is falling apart.
Have you thought about trying
Have you thought about trying to do family counseling with your SD? It feels like your relationship with her has been painted into a corner. Perhaps her GF is controlling and you represented a threat to her... and so you were who the GF focused the war on.
It's tough to understand though.. as her only father figure.. to have all feelings turn like a light switch.. I would be interested in figuring out how to fix it vs setting up isolated camps at war.
I would also consider that divorce would likely cause more issues.. as your kids would then be given free access to their older sister.. but add in the resentment of the family breaking up.. you would probably be an even bigger scapegoat.
But, counseling wiht your sd.. and with your wife (separately).. seem in order.. I would hope the goal could be to mend fences.. not create more isolation for yourself.
That’s the million $ question.
DW has to do something, she can't just wish things will change. If SD means so much to DW. Let SD support her. I know DW wants a '''Happy Family ''' Maybe seeing someone is a answer. Just you two to start to get your relationship right firstWorldView Legion
Take action and adjust as necessary.
Second guessing yourself does nothing but distrupt and cause turbulence. However, clearly understanding the topography at play regarding SKidults and their BioParent that we are married to gives us, is a never ending map to adjust to in the drama and conflict.
Stop fighting with your DW and tell her what is required for SD to have a place in the family. If mom wants to engage outside of that then she does it alone without you or the young ones. Exposing young children to toxic older sibs, half sibs or otherwise, is not what quality parents force to happen. My SS is the eldest of 4 SpermIdiot spawned half sibs by three different baby mamas. In our blended family journey, SS is the one who chose to step away from the toxic SpermIdiot, SpermGrandHag, and sadly his three younger half sibs that include spawn #2 who is on the dole, #3 who is in prison, and #4 who is not far behind the convict.
Place your boundaries, and defend them even if that means holding your own DW accountable for keeping her eldest away from your/jher younger children. Children that do not deserve to be flushed down the crapper with their elder sister.
My SS refused to flush himself down the crapper with with his father and his three younger half sibs. It broke his heart, but as an adult of character he did what was hard.
The mother of your children needs to do the same thing. As does their father. You.
Stop waffling, stop fighting with your DW. Set your stance, defend it, and tolerate no bullshit from either DW or SD. Be direct. be calm, and make it clear to your DW that she has no choice or she will lose her marriage, you, and your boys.
We put together masses of fact, documents, etc... to protect our son. The most infuriating thing in our 16+ years under a CO was that the Judge was hell bent on retaining contact between SS and the SpermClan. Though we kicked ass otherwise. Full physical and legal custody was upheld for my DW, a pittance in CS was ordered, and limited long distance visitation was ordered. In the 16+ years that the CO was in effect SS saw his Spermidiot no more than portions of maybe 12 days per year though the SpermGrandHag did continually manipulate and took her idiot son's visitation. Our son succeeded where the preceeding generations in the SpermClan and sadly his three younger sibs were doomed to follow the failure path because they were raised by the same failed adults who created their serial statutory rapist Spermidiot. All it takes to give kids a chance to avoid that crap is one person preferably their quality parent, to defend their future to the fullest extent possible. Keep in mind that your boy's mom is a failed parent. She created your SD. The SD who is the catalyst to the demise of your marriage and your family if your DW does not gain clairity.
Document, document, document and if necessary, protect your boys to the fullest if their mother makes the wrong choice.
IMHO of course.
It's all very new to me. Everything changed a year ago and this is completely out of my comfort zone!