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Did we all get that warning

Sandybeaches's picture

Did we all get that warning when we signed on tonight or just me???  Never saw anything like that on here before and I wondered if I was the only one that got it ????

mro's picture

Me too!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture


Steptalker2's picture

Apparently the word Troll is prohibited too. I received a private mesage about the word troll LOL.

lorlors's picture

A comment of mine was deleted too. I’ll start telling people what they want to hear from now on shall I? Lol

Jcksjj's picture

Dont say things you wouldn't in person - well all of my comments to people I would say in person also. I wouldn't say alot of the stuff in my blog in person though but I'm assuming that's not what they meant hopefully. 

Letti.R's picture

Thanks for clearing up my HUH?? moment.
Yes, I got it.
Not sure what I missed.
I don't insult people, but I say what is on my mind - even in person.

Sometimes I have to wonder if some people post just to stir trouble.
Anyway, nice reminder to sometimes "scroll on" because fee-fees or crap stirrers...

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

I may be in the minority but I was happy to see the warning. I am a part of several online forums and this one seems to be the most lightly moderated. To be fair, all the ones I participate in are free, so I don't expect much in the way of web admins. However; I hope they can at least be consistent when it comes to doling out warnings or deletions-- that seems to be the biggest factor in contributing to the internet-land of advice, even the mods are biased-- makes sense, they're human, too... but they get used to long time posters antics and is harder to impartial and fair.

bananaseedo's picture

I saw the warning too- I'd say that's a light tap reminder to anyone in comparison to the massacre that happened some years ago. I think that came back to bite her though as it was widely frowned upon how it was handled.  And yeah, I think things get out of control- and NO I don't think ANY of us can say 100pct we would say those things to somebodys face that we knew vs online. I seriously doubt that. Of course that IS the nature of the interwebs afterall. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I obviously missed something, but can honestly say that every comment I make IS something I will say to someone in person.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It shows at the top of my screen (with Dismiss in the upper-right corner).

Did I miss something??

Frankly, there are certain UBER passive-aggressive poopie heads on here who can say whatever they want in an extraordinarily offensive manner, but that's okay. 

I suppose poopie head is too harsh... I shall henceforth refer to them as Non-Pops: those who did not hear the POP (of their heads popping out of their nether region).

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

Honestly and truly, it was the 2 or 3 biomom's that post here bashing step-parents because their babies father remarried, and they have been bitter since.

They couldn't take what they were being dished. That's the only reasonable explanation is that the mods were bombarded with repeated whining messages from these people.

MollyBrown's picture

Here’s a crazy idea, maybe Dawn was unimpressed with you calling Merryway a bitch.  Dawn has always requested civility for years.  She does read here, you know.  She might not post often, but she does read and is capable of making her own choices of what she deems acceptable on here.   Btw, you claim you dish out what they serve, but Merryway has never called anyone a bitch on here. 

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

Fair, but just my opinion.

But, if you're gonna refute an opinion, you should at least know that I wouldn't call a woman a "bitch".

I told her she was being a shitty person, which is in my DM's.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

One thing I have noticed though in the past is that it seems only members who post regularly get called out on mistakes. I've asked in the past about certain poster who seemed to be trollish and was told there's nothing that can be done. I've asked about these people being banned and been told they would just come back so it's not worth it. I've learned to delete things that I find unacceptable on my post. Or I flag if I think Dawn should see it. My issue is when the person comes back again to comment after being deleted. There doesn't seem to be a real block function which could be a big help. I don't know what it would take to add one to the site but that would help alot. There have been members in the past that I have no desire to interact with in any way. I don't wish to read their stuff (so I don't), I don't want them to comment on my stuff (I try to ignore).

holyschnikes's picture

I very rarely comment, more of a lurker , and I got it... was kind of confused at first lol. Think it's obviously a message to all members 

Trying to Stepmom's picture

Seems like everyone got the message. 

It’s been reappearing on my screen each time I sign in. 

MissTexas's picture

though I've clicked the "dismiss" tab. My understanding from other websites is if I "dismiss" it, it doesn't come back. When I was dismissed from class when the bell rang, I didn't return. Maybe that needs to be tweaked, so that if you "dismiss" it, then that's it. An unspoken understood/acknowledgement you've seen it.

Sandybeaches's picture

Is the warning ever going away?? I dismissed it BUT it returns everytime I sign on.  For obvious reasons I do not have it save my pasword or keep me signed it.... Just curious if anyone knows if it is ever going away!!!!!!!!

LuluOnce's picture

Looks like I missed all the fun again. For the third or fourth year in a row. LOL. I never check in when the terrible behavior is happening and then am confused on what any member did that warranted banishment. I got the message too and I've been absent for a while. Are members out? Or was this just a hand-slap? I really do try to be respectful when I reply to others' posts because I know we are only getting a snap shot of their lives but I've seen some replies that can be rough. Still...

The best advice I've ever been given comes from this site: ignore the wh***. And I've had the opportunity to practice that advice on the very forums that gave it to me. Hahaha.