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DH gave up a weekend...

Step-Volgirl's picture

Back Story - BM started dating guy#1, moved SD 3 hours away to live with guy#1 (and his parents and his sister and his other sister's kids were there every weekend). She married guy#1, but he left her after 2 months, which was Aug. 2012. BM and SD moved back to our town. Since then, she dated guy#2 - sometime before Christmas, she introduced guy#2 to SD. They broke up in early Jan.

Now BM is dating guy#3. Almost immediately intro'd him to SD. They have dinner together "almost all the time" and has taken SD for at least 2 sleep-overs at guy#3's house - both were "emergencies" according to BM... not that I believe that!

BM asked DH if she could keep SD one weekend to spend it with guy#3 and his daughter...and DH agreed!
Didn't even tell me about it until I was telling him what I had planned to do with the kids on Saturday when he was at work. I'm super ticked off! A) He's giving his permission for BM to skank around in front of a 9 yr old and Dirol He's giving up his time to do it and finally C) It never even entered his mind to talk to me about it first.

oldone's picture

Some little girls don't know how to become sluts without their BM giving them explicit skank lessons. pathetic. poor kids.

omgsaveme's picture

That is disgusting, completely utterly disgusting. I think thats awesome though that you care about SD. A lot of women would be happy if SKs didnt come at all. He should have definitely talked to you about it and included you in it, but men are just retarded without women.

Orange County Ca's picture

Tell your husband what he's teaching his daughter then let it go. Once is it for unasked for advise on how someone should be raising their kid.

Of course he should have asked you first and you have every right to make that clear that in the future that is what is going to happen and make it clear that if he 'forgets' you're not babysitting. If you really want to make that point clear ask him what his plans are for babysitting this time around.

christinen's picture

I would be ecstatic if DH told me SD isn't coming over this weekend lol but I do understand what you're saying about BM bringing SD around all those different men and I agree it is wrong and disgusting! My SD's BM does the same type of crap. In the past few years, BM has been with at least 3 different men (I KNOW of 3, so I'm assuming there are probably a few more that I don't know about). It's horrible, especially with little girls. They watch what BM does and then think it's ok to do themselves. I will be shocked if SD doesn't wind up pregnant before she finishes high school smh.

Step-Volgirl's picture

BM called to check on SD on Saturday - DH was at work so I got the joyful privilege of answering the phone. BM asked if SD was giving us any attitude this weekend. Apparently, SD was pretty mouthy last week. This led to a conversation about SD hitting puberty. I suggested that BM sit down with DH and me so we could all get on the same page about what to tell SD and when in regards to the birds and bees. I very clearly told BM that in our house, SD would be raised to believe that sex is special. I told BM that DH and I didn't live together until 3 weeks before the wedding - and that we did that to set an example for the kids. She agreed, saying that she never intended to live with guy#1 before they got married, but things were "just too cray-cray at my mom's".....

and yet BM is still planning on taking SD to spend the weekend with guy#3!