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details about me leaving bf

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

the night before last, sd13 was sleeping at a friends house. when she came home for dinner last night, she told bf and i that a 19yr old female who was at the friends house the previous night had sexually assaulted her. i wont go into details, but the story sounded true. and apparently this 19yr old had threatened my sd, saying my sd's gentitals were 'oewed' to her upon the next meeting.

sd sounded afraid and shooken up, claiming she was afraid to tell us last night. we bought that shit too. so anyways, we call the police. they come out to do a report. but from the moment we called the police, per sd's request, she began to be bored with the whole situation, and wondered when she could go back to her friends house.

so the police come and the story gets more complicated. the 19yr old was INVITED over by sd. the 19yr old didnt KNOW anyone at the friends house. as far as the assault, sd tells the cop that she didnt 'nessicarily' say NO, just kinda looked at her 'friends' in a weirded-out way while this 19yr old was doing things to her. she claims the 19yr old, who police cant locate, knew she was 13.

THEN she tells the police she had sex with a boy of 17 at this friends house a week ago. first claims she told the boy she was 16, then recants and says he knew she was 13. another case is opened for THIS incident.

all the while, sd is itchin to get back to friends. the police know of this family she is with---known for theft, drug house, harboring runaways.....we are like floored how trashy this family is. the kicker? sd's friend is a VICTIM of his own it isnt the KID who is the problem, its the mother, grandmather and older sister.

so cop leaves. sd begs to go back. midnight comes and sd and bf are goin at it verbally. power struggle. she doesnt care about anything. around 2am, bf tells her "get away from me. i dont care what happens to u anymore. leave my house NOW!' and off sd goes.

he cant handle her, life, nothing. his job gave him last night off cause of this. they told him to go in at noon today to releive the guy that releived bf for 8hrs plus an additional 4. his job is trying to work with him. not their fault bf fought with sd till 2am, then stayed up till 5 trying to 'figure shit out'.

so bf decided he just aint going in. called to say so but no answer. he's gonna lose his job. so im out. my bd5 doesnt need this. he shouldnt have gotten full custody of sd all those years ago if he was going to be lazy parent and let her get to this point.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

sd just called bf's phone. she wants to know if bf or i can drive her and freind to store so they can get milk for them....ohmyfuckingod. its like last night didnt happen. im thinking of making an anonymouse call to have the house drug raided. }:)

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

}:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) }:) lol i just have to find out the address and the evil but idgaf anymore! }:)

doll faced sm's picture

Wow, this must be a lot of stress for the whole family. I don't know your backstory, but I'm guessing she can't go stay w/ BM for the summer or something? *sigh* (hug)

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

she can go stay with bm, as bf lets bm see sd more than the court order...but bm really doesnt want sd and will use every excuse to NOT see her unless its her weekend...and sometimes even then!