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Depressed tonight

MadeMyBed's picture

I just need some good news. Its so hard right now. BM took the child deductions on her taxes in blatant disregard of the divorce decree, we are fighting the IRS, she refuses to amend her taxes and we have court on March 3rd for contempt (unless she asks for an extension-count on it). In the meantime, DH has lost his job and I have lost my second job both in the span of a week. We cant file our taxes because the amount the IRS THINKS we owe them will be taken. It could be MONTHS before this is all straightened out. And its just not fair. I use my tax refund as a kind of savings system throughout the year. I barely make it through the year and depend heavily on the tax refund each year. Now I dont even have that. And I didnt even marry the cray bitch! But I have to pay the reprecussions. I know we are right but theres no penalty to her. The judge is going to tell her not to do it and to pay the IRS what she owes. Theres no way for us to be compensated for the pain and suffering we have to endure and the waiting extra time for the money that is rightfully ours. Shes not only screwing with DH -shes screwing with me! ITS JUST NOT FRIGGIN FAIR! and next time it will be something else- oh well, just dont do it again! Who cares that we have to swing bills for extra amounts of times then planned because she decides "oh, I suddenly want that money!" Will something GOOD happen for me? Sometimes I am just so depressed and I blow up at DH like "you're the one who married her and now MY life is harder?" It just sucks

MadeMyBed's picture

Oh, and SSs come in this weekend. I swear, I cant even stand to look at them now. They just remind of of what a fuckin bitch liar their mother is.

young_step_mom's picture

I am so sorry! I completely understand your frustrations. I often find myself depressed because some crazy woman that I didn't even know existed in the world 2.5 yrs ago is now shitting all over my life on a daily basis and I can't do anything about it (short of divorcing DH, which is NOT an option!) I don't really have anything to say, except I am very sorry and I hope things work out for you and your DH. *hugs*

ErinOnTheEdge's picture

I completely feel you on this one. BM claims SS12 on her taxes every single year even though she is not allowed to claim her ANY years, per the agreement. Every year she files her taxes very quickly in January so she gets her refund before we even have time to file ours. Then our taxes get kicked back and we have to appeal the IRS. Every year so far we've won but the stress is incredible.

Good for you and DH for actually taking her to court for contempt. I hope she gets what's coming to her!

so sorry to hear about the lost jobs... crossing my fingers for you. Hang in there!