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Dear Lord Jesus...she faked a break in!

Krissy09's picture

:jawdrop: Ahhhh, crazy people really do exist and my Husband's ex wife is one of them! Last week my stepson asked me to attend his pratice and I told him I would. He went home and told his mother that I would be attending with his Father and she absolutely lost it! She texted my Husband and told him that if he allowed his "Little Friend" to attend the pratice then he would be disrespecting her...blah, blah, blah. Something about her calling me his Little Friend hit a nerve with my Husband so he politely told her that his WIFE has every right to attend and basically defended me against every insult she was texting about me. I know she was pissed off at him which prompted her toooo, (drum roll please).... FAKE A BREAK IN!!!!! She called my Husband at work HOURS after this alleged home invasion and told him this elaborate story about how someone broke into her house while she was getting the kids ready for school and the police had to come out. As my Husband was telling me this story I felt like it had no truth behind it. He of course was concerned about his children (who was in the house but witnessed nothing.) I asked him to ask her for a police report because the story sounded suspicious and basically he thought I was crazy for thinking she would make up something like that so we kinda got into a little spat, all better now though! Anyway, I have a friend that works for the police department in the city that she lives in and had her research the incident. My inside source told me this afternoon that there is not a single phone call record or police report related to my Husband's ex, her address, her phone number, NOTHING!!!! I honestly believed she faked it either beacause he hurt her feelings earlier last week by taking up for me and thought by making up that story she could at least get his attention OR she wants an alarm system and wants him to pay for it. Either's pretty F'ed up! Ahhhhhh, just had to vent!

furkidsforme's picture

WOW!!!!! And I thought I dealt with a crazy BM, yours takes the cake!

But I do see lots of women, in general, who pull stupid attention getting stunts like this. I get that BM's use these kind of tactics to regain control when they feel it slipping, etc...

but why does it always seem like the DH is a sucker? My DH's ex does shit like this and when I suggest that it's fake he gets all kinds of pissy!!!! We have had huge fights only to have it proven I was right and BM was making it all up. Next one comes along and the same thing... I suggest that the crisis "just might be" fictional and that he should calm down until it is proven real and he blows his top like she's the most trustworthy person ever?

I often feel like he would take her word over mine, even if what she said was simply outlandish.