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Mr Meanie Man's picture

Havent posted in a while so ill give a back story. Been married for 2yrs and been in my skids lives for 3yrs. SD6 and SS5 and we get along just fine. Their bio dad is in their life but my SD has been calling me dad a lot lately...which im not too happy about. About 2 1/2yrs ago she was calling me daddy and my wife and i, gf at the time, thouroughly explained to her that she shouldnt call me that because her dad for the most part is in her life. So, she would call me daddy on and off, but mostly my name. My SS5 very rarely calls me dad. Weired thing is this summer they spent about a month with their bio dad (longest time being away) Ever since shes been back shes been calling me daddy and rarely using my name. She calls me daddy when she speaks to me but only says my name when shes talking to others about me. I chalked it up as she got used to saying daddy for a month (maybe ima ahole) Theyve been back for a month and it hasnt changed. Now i havent corrected her either because shes very smart and is very self aware. I dont particularly like it, but i guess ive accepted it knowing that ultimately she'll end up callling us both dad or just her bio dad as she matures...any thoughts? Thanks

CANYOUHELP's picture

Stop this crap now.. my husband has gown ex step children who call him daddy with the bio father living right here... they call the bio father by his first name! He is no bio kin to them and they do this to stay in his pocketbook, as the bio daddy has nothing. Its sick, confusing and very hard to explain--crazy too. Stop the insanity now before the stupidity becomes nausious.

NovaKy's picture

My son(9) calls his biodad "Daddy" and stepdad "Steve" and occasionally "Dad" because stepbrother calls him Dad. (Biodad died 2 years ago)

If it makes you uncomfortable, I would say "I've noticed you've been calling me Daddy. Do you not want to call me 'Jim' anymore?" You could suggest having her call you both Daddy may get confusing. If she doesn't want to call you "Jim", what about (whatever daddy name you would be comfortable with)?