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Contemplating whether or not to call CPS

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So if any of you have read my blog posts you know where this is leading; if not here is a re-cap: BM lives about half a block from us (her move to be near us). I hate it. I really don't like knowing how her and her new DH live their life but its smack in my face all the time. DH is primary of my SD, mom has TX standard 1, 3, 5 w-ends and one night a week. BM has two younger kids 5 and just over 1. kid5 plays outside alone often. Sometimes there is a parent out, sometimes there is not. He has been seen playing with things that are dangerous outside and has darted out in front of cars more than once while being unsupervised. baby1 is regualrly left inside alone while BM takes kid5 to the bus stop. Yes she can see the house from where she is at and it's only like 10 minutes at a time, but you wouldn't be able to hear if anything happened from where she is and she doesn't have any baby monitor or anything. I wouldn't do it but I just brush it off now. Well I saw something this weekend that had me shook up for the rest of the day. I was on my way home and as I drove by BM house I see the front door wide open and baby1 stading in the door way alone. I assume they are leaving and BM is probably in shadows following her out. I look back when I get home just to make sure and i see kid5 walking down the drive way with baby1 crawling behind. They are approx 10 feet from getting into the street. I stand there wondering if I need to run over or what since BM is nowhere outside. kid5 sees baby follwoing him. He picks up baby (struggling since this is a big baby and little 5 y.o.) and he manages to pick up baby and wrestle her iside. Still no bm. So I am thinking- 1 why is baby unattended long enough to get outside and almost into the street without even being noticed? Why is baby not contained if mom is in the other room? What would have happened if kid5 would have ran off to play not tnoticing the baby? Is kid5 supposed to be keeping up with baby? I really really really don't want to call CPS even though I hate this woman but I am seriously worried about her level of supervision. Luckily my SD is 11 so it is doubtful that neglectful supervision would seriously affect her but as a neighbor and human being I am concerned for kid5 and baby1. Suggestions?