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Concerned or not? Confused for certain!

in the same boat's picture

My husband and I have been together for two years. My husband has an ex-wife and three children. During our initial dating stage his ex was very disruptive. She called crying all of the time, came to my home crying on the front porch, stressed the children out about her woes and such. She also has been VERY dishonest about her financial position, since my husband moved from her home she has had a live in boyfriend whom conveniently did not begin paying her rent until it was challenged in court one year after the initial support was established. Since that time has quit her job for months on end, received child support as if she were paying work related child care (which is also supposedly paid to her mother in amount that is double what she received to take care of the children when they were married) and has encouraged the children to hide the unemployment from their father. During this time, my husband has had a down turn in income as his industry has slowed. He has borrowed thousands of dollars from his parents and me to make certain that his child support is paid. The financial burden of taking care of his children when they are with us and paying money out to their mother had become more than I was willing to do. The children have picked up on her manipulative behavior and play one side against each other. We threw a large party for two of the girls birthdays and were contacted by his ex after with criticisim on the gifts that we had given the girls (one wanted a doll and was dissapointed in the one that she received). The next evening she contacted my husband to let him know that he had received correspondance in the mail referring to personal financial information had been stolen (she opened a court document addressed to him) and she thought he should know.

That was it for me, she tries to control every aspect of our lives, where he works, when, where and how he should see his children. She comments on how we care for them, what kind of car I drive, what kind of dog that I own, what kind of home that we live in. She is now commenting on the life that we are trying to build together. I have become pregnant with twins. I am concerned that her negative influence and narcisitic ways are going to influence my children. Her continual inappropriate contact with my husband is pushing me further away. Would I better to cut it loose and raise these children with the hope of less influence from her?

StressedSM's picture

What is your husband's take on all of this? My initial thought is you are definately not better off alone, and while blended famlies have their struggles it can be done. There is just a little more work. Briefly, I would say that you and your husband need to sit down and discuss this in detail. Explain how you feel, how you are not willing to do this anymore with the ex and you have enough going on in your life, including the now added stress of being pregnant. I think some rules should be set in place for the ex's behavior and your husband needs to tell her. Please do not a, b, c, etc. And don't allow it. I know its easier said that done... but it can be done if you and your husband get on the same page. United Front with the kids, united front with the ex.

in the same boat's picture

I should have added that there have been repeated requests by my my husband to respect his and our privacy. When we have discussed these issues, he feels that everyone is against him and that he must defend her actions. This tells me that keeping the peace with her is more valuable than ours. I am told that am overreacting to her continual invasion of our home and life, while I feel that her continual invaision after being told inappropriate is driving a wedge between he and I. I shall take your advice on the a, b, c as perhaps that can make the difference.
Do you have any books that you could recommend?

Anonymous's picture

I don't think you should divorce your husband if thats your question.

You guys are apparently communicating with her in return and allowing her negative feedback. Why? Is your husband not supportive of you or getting her out of your lives??

I can only think distancing her is the solution and both of you make changes to ensure thats done. Who cares what she thinks about gifts or otherwise, STOP the dialogue with her. You can only try and enforce upon your husband that this needs to be done, or your marriage will not last. Of course you can read all the book out there, but in the end if he's perpetuating this self defeating behavior, then yes it will get worse. I hope you will be able to truthfully talk to him, and get it straighten out soon. Good luck.

jenny's picture

I probably see this a little differently. We always blame the ex's for everything, but I see the husband as the one to blame. Hes not siding with you or supporting you. Does he want his second marriage to end?? Whos allowing her interference into your lives?? Do you also feed into her? I agree sit down and lay out the ground rules, and by all means don't allow it and let dh you mean it.

always in the dark's picture

I too know exactly how you feel about "controlling" biomoms. It is ultimately BF's responsiblity to stand up to her. I too stressed and got into arguments, and still do now. But I will tell you, I did stop communicating with biomom all together. I used to try to make attempt, NOT to be her friend, but to explain that we all had children between us and we needed to communicate as adults. That lasted a while and she DID quit calling us on a daily basis. She too would call and scream and curse at BF, she would also call after B-day parties and complain about what we bought the kids, etc. All said and done, it is up to HIM to stop it. BF's owe us a little respect and should stand up for us. I have tried sitting down with my BF to talk calmly about how I feel but we are still working on it. I sometimes feel it will never get better, but still trying. Good luck, don't stress too much, you have a wonderful gift on the way.