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Call it Anxiety - I Call it BM Avoidance Disorder

TheOtherMom's picture

Does anyone else get that sick feeling in the pit of their stomach when the ex-wife/BM is coming to get the children? How do you deal with the situation?
We are about to do the hand off of the skids for the summer.
I undertand I won't lash out at her because I refuse to lower myself in the presence of the children but damn it, she has one of those faces that you just want to punch.

ohxitsxapril's picture

i get a sick feeling too when we go to pick up sd or drop her off! even though I know im happier than she will ever be, just seeing her makes me sick!!

Rags's picture

That is not a disorder that is intelligent self preservation.

Learn to enjoy baring her worthless ass every chance you get. I consider shining light on the SpermClan's moronic dipshititis every chance I get. And I get a lot of chances.

Be happy in your marriage and in your family and BM will run to a dark corner like a cockroach when you turn on a light in a dark roach filled room.

Just look at her like you are sorry for the pathetic state of her life and get on with yours.

There is no use in letting her control you by being uncomfortable when you are around her.

Good luck and best regards,