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Both myself (SM) and BM are pregnant. 6 yr old SD is acting up.

Nb1124's picture

I'm 7 months pregnant with my SDs first sibling. She was told 3 months ago and has been so excited except she's been acting up at school! Not getting along with one specific classmate, and cutting her clothing intentionally with scissors. (we've banned scissor use at home).

A couple of weeks ago BM announced her pregnancy. Now SD has to adjust to 2 new siblings in a short period of time. her father and I are married. BM is not. SD has a week on, a week off at each home.

Any advice on how to ease the adjustment? Should I be worried about the behavior or is this " normal" 6 year old kindergarten behavior?

Lalena75's picture

I'm not sure how much of the behavior is related to age or the idea of siblings. My bd was an angel at 5/6yoa my bd was so not and he had a lot of issues with classmates because they didn't all want to be his friends and both kids at that age went through a phase where they cut up everything! As for adjusting to new babies every kid every parent is different. I included mu bd in my entire pregnancy and she was only 5 she went to a lot of my dr apts heard the babies heartbeat for the first time with me the sonos shopping and because I had a great midwife she was there for his birth right next to the midwife she counted and told me to push and breathe and anounced his arrival then climbed up next to me when they put him in my arms and the midwife helped her cut his cord and as she put it "freed him from mommys tummy" we talked a lot about what birth was like and what babies were like and all the time and care they needed from a big sister how important she was as a role model and she was so proud to be so special to a new baby it really made it easy for her to adjust to. Its something to try. Talk to her about why she and the classmate have problems and how to handle conflict. Hope this can help some.

PeanutandSons's picture


Sort this is off topic a bit. But I also want to have my first son (will be 3 by the time I give birth) present when have his little brother. Any suggestions on how to prepare him?

cryingmama's picture


have you spoken with your midwife about this ? I assume you are seeing a midwife if the are having your son there. My midwife was fine with it as long as you have anouther adult to care for him. You will need your partner to help you. There is a lot of great writning about this in the library. I cant think of the titles but i think Ina May was one of the best authers. My son was 5 and not intersted in being there so i respected his wishes. I can tell you i know people who had this experice as children some were fine with it for other it was terrifing. I suggest lots of reading. Books about midwifery are the most open. Good Luck

peanut11's picture

When we accounced that DH and I would be having a baby SS was 5 and he was thrilled. There were times when SS would start to act up but that was because BM was feeding him information like your dad wont love you as much, there won't be any room for you anymore, ect.(This was actually confirmed by BM when we called) BM was also moving at the time into a different house so it was a stressful time for ss. I suggest letting them feel included as much as your comfortable with. We had a pregnancy book with pictures in it and SS loved looking at it with me, he would ask questions and we tried to explain it to him in simple ways. My doctor suggested we wait until after the first trimester to tell the child because that is when most babies are lost. We took SS to a couple of doctors visits but I also wanted to experience alot of them with just DH. Best of luck. Smile

cryingmama's picture

My sd was terrified that dh would no longer be her dad because he was going to have anouther daughter. He explained that she would still be his daughter and he would still love her just as much. It can be very difficult youngsters. We also did lots of reading about child birth, being a big bother or sister and tryed to discuss the feelings the characters were having. make specail time for her and get her involved with the babys birth, room ext.

It could be something unrealed to this or perhaps the attention she gets for the cutting. How old is she?