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AmIWicked's picture

She just sent a message saying,

"I will NOT be giving Lorradine to SD because it is unnecessary! Your fucking girlfriend just needs to get rid of her fucking cat! She needs an allergy test!

Yes, that right. She "thinks" my cat is causing SD to get an occasional cold ..... so our solution was to give her a daily antihistamine... BM is saying no I won't give my daughter allergy medicine because I think she has allergies to a cat....

We talked to her doctor and the doctor said something along the lines of, " you need a referral to get an allergy test and I don't think they are necessary unless it is hindering her breathing"

So no blood test... but BM is refusing to give allergy medicine when SD is with her

Wow.... really?

So SD will suffer the whole day she comes back from BM's? And that is IF the girl is even allergic which we are thinking is not likely because she has lived with the cat for over a year...

Argh BM,... you make no sense!

Orange County Ca's picture

Is the kid old enough to be given a small bottle and sent a text at the appropriate time to take one? If she is she's probably smart enough to keep her mouth shut without you two saying anything.

The cat is always there. I'm assuming that the symptoms come and go. It's Spring so allergic reactions go up and they subside during winter for example

jumanji's picture

Why should she give the kid allergy meds at her home? If my kid only had issues at the other home, I wouldn't give the meds in mine, either.

AmIWicked's picture

because my husband brought up that it might be allergies in front of the doctor, BM took the opportunity to point out that we have a dog and a cat.and now she is convinced that they are causing allergies the doctor suggested we try and over the counter antihistamine first. he said taking a simple and histamine wouldn't hurt her to figure out if all of her symptoms stop. (and they are occurring at both BM and our house)