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BM Logic.

iqrt's picture

When the 6yo gets head lice, it CLEARLY came from the evil step mother. She certainly did not pick it up at her public elementary school or her crowded daycare center. No. She got it from that evil step mother, who knowingly let the poor innocent child use her hairbrush while the step mother had lice.

WTF. Srsly.

Disneyfan's picture


Some BMs and SMs share the same logic.

Plenty of SMs with school age SKs blame BM when the kids get lice.'s picture

They probably get the cold and flu from you as well. Especially during cold and flu season!

princessmofo's picture

From a professional stand point Lice is the devil! Seriously! It isn't a matter of treating the scalp. You have to treat everything! Your furniture, car, all bedding, towels, stuffed animals, coats, clothes. . . you name it! Wash everything in hot water! And many times over the years I have encountered this at my job and called the schools directly to inform them of an outbreak, so they could check students. Generally, it's girls who end up with it most and usually due to not killing all the nits to begin with because of so much hair. The most practical solution is cutting hair short. I know. Awful. But effective.

SMof2Girls's picture

Haircuts and styles are a huge point of contention for our BM.

I personally don't care.

She seems to think that DH is not allowed to have their hair cut or make any decision on the styles. It never fails that every single time DH has their hair cut (or trimmed), she flips out. Even when they're living with us full time and won't see BM for several months.

Oh well. She's a control freak. She has yet to learn that she doesn't actually have any control over DH anymore. And contrary to her beliefs, haircuts are not a major parenting decision covered by the custody agreement.