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BM being unusually nice... hrmm

lil_lady's picture

SO had to drop the kids off yesterday... He gets an email from BM asking if we can come 15 min early... together (this is the first time since we announced the baby she has included me). She would like to sit down and discuss school with us and moving. BM decided she is going back to school we went to court because she wanted to move just an hour away so she didn't have to travel. She also wanted to uproot the kids and take them with her, until that point SO had joint access. A judge gave her primary custody based on the fact that she was moving and allowed her to move the kids. SO got generous access... which BM has all the power with now he sees his kids around 6 times a month. We have been asking her for 3 months since I am due in March when she expects to do this. SO and I agreed that it would be a decent idea to follow her so he could regain access (back to court). Also it may be an easier place to maintain employment for everyone involved. Anyways that is kind of the long and short of it.

We get there and she basically tells us that for everyone involved she does not plan on moving... Wanted our input and exactly what our plans where (we refused to indulge in that offer). At the end of the day it does not really matter where we live. The only catch is she plans on moving after school to yet a different place. Anyways it was just weird BM has never tried to seek our advice. She was trying to make a decision as a group for the better of "everyone". She has been a nightmare for the last 6 months.. I feel like there is a hidden agenda... ideas?

lil_lady's picture

She has really screwed herself over if she doesn't move I am pretty sure his attorney can get a reorder... Being that the judge ordered everything he did with the understanding that she was moving. Wondering if maybe she is just sucking up so we don't take her straight back to court.

lil_lady's picture

yep he also came around the time that we announced we are expecting though so... we all know how she took that!

lil_lady's picture

I think I said 2 sentances the whole time and it was ridiculously difficult not to smile as I watched her bury herself! Now we just have to gather some cash to pay off his lawyer bill. I think BM will have a hard time moving or getting permission to do so after her schooling if we can get into court reasonably soon.

SO recorded the WHOLE conversation and it is all as clear as a bell. He also caught her saying she didn't not want to uproot SD... BM was aware he was recording her as well. I could not be more proud of him.