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Birthday Party Headache

SMof2Girls's picture

SD6's birthday is April 19 (Friday). She is currently living with BM in Texas (they move back permanently May 24).

BM has not scheduled SD6's birthday party yet. DH and I are going to visit the skids the weekend of April 26-28. It's a 3 day weekend for the skids, and custody time for DH clearly laid out in the CO.

BM emailed DH a few days ago asking if she could schedule SD6's party on our weekend and said that she would invite us if we agreed to this. DH politely declined as we have the entire weekend planned.

She can't do it the weekend of April 19 because BM is graduating from school that Friday (on SD6's actual birthday) and has plans to celebrate (apparently all weekend). Doing it the weekend before (April 12) is too soon considering no invitations have been sent.

Looks like BM will have to choose between her own graduation celebration or a birthday party for her daughter (which I know she's already promised her). We won't attend any party thrown by BM, and DH certainly won't sink the cost of tickets we've already purchased for various parks that weekend.

Who wants to take bets that BM tries to schedule the party that weekend anyway .. and then tells SD it's Daddy's fault she can't go to her own birthday party?

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh I bet you're right. I wish I had some solid advice for you on how to combat this, but it looks like you know BM best and she's going to do it and blame it on your DH making him look like the bad guy to his daughter.

I hope you get some suggestions or ideas before it happens. Good luck!

SMof2Girls's picture

DH is planning on telling the skids about all the awesome things we have planned for that weekend. Hopefully that's enough to keep SD6 "in the loop" as far as plans/schedules go .. so she'll know Daddy already made plans BEFORE BM can try to sabotage.

nothinforya's picture

Seems silly to have a party for a child who will be moving away so soon after. She won't see those kids again anyway. Wouldn't it make sense for the party, if there must be a party, to take place on April 20 or 21? Parties for 6-year-olds are brief events, in my experience , so even BM with a hangover should be able to manage it.

SMof2Girls's picture

I agree with you. Most rational people would agree with you. But this is BM we're talking about ... if the slightest chance exists for her to make DH look bad to the skids, she will seize it.

jumanji's picture

I'd have her party the w/e of the 27th. My kids rarely had parties on or really close to their actual bday. Kids do actually deal with it well.