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Biological mother child support

SoOverIt94's picture

So the biological mother has never paid a dime in child support. She has never seen her kids, called on birthdays or anything. She basicly washed her hands and walked away to do whatever she may wants. Biological Father has stated So many times that the money would help with the kids and he regrets having kids with her.  So now the county has a sent her paperwork regarding child support. And she called 2 days ago to the BF (my boyfriend) and called crying the blues about her potentially having a warrant out for her. So BF is giving her advice on how yo get out of paying and he will see what he can do on his end. 

In my head I'm like "lock her up!!!"

Why is he helping? Is anyone else in this situation where their partner helped the other like this? 

I have yet to ask him why because I know it will start an agreement.

SteppedOut's picture

"See what he can do on his end."

He can have the money "written off", will he???

Do you have shared finances? Do you help pay for his children? 

If he actually does write off her debit, I would NEVER pay for a single thing again. NOTHING.


SoOverIt94's picture

He know the prosecutor for the county and he called him!!! 


Yes we share finances. And I'm just like mind blown. Why would you help this women? She clearly doesn't care about what that money could do for the kids So why care for her!!!! 

SteppedOut's picture

Time to start reconsidering shared finances. Seems to me he doesn't need any extra support.

CLove's picture

A few weeks ago, Toxic Troll texted DH in the morning as he was driving to work, asking if he could turn around, she ran out of gas a few blocks from her apartment. He said no, get AAA or one of your dudes to help you! She sat on her A$$ all day in her apartment (she doesnt work) and then texted him AGAIN, and he went to the car with gas and THEN had to wait because she wasnt there.

I was so upset, there was no sexual desire for 3 days. Just not interested in him at all. It was a total lady-boner-killer, that he felt he could go to the rescue of Toxic Troll, who has beat her kid, who has taken him for all she could get, told him she hoped he died...called me names.

He told her after that he is not going to "rescue her anymore, Clove is mad and she needs to find someone to help her next time, because he isnt avaiable".

I decided then and there that I am going to save up for if the "next time" happens. I will leave. For a week. I will sleep and exist somewhere else. I think you should not concern yourelf with "it will start an argument". If you are secure in your relationship, then you need to stand up for what you want in your relationship.

They ALWAYS use the excuse "its for the well being of my child!!!" Eff that. But Ima bitch that way. You are his partner. You are his priority. PERIOD.

tog redux's picture

I don't get men like this. How can they still feel sorry for a woman who abandoned the kids with him and refuses to pay a red cent for their care.

My DH would say, "Don't want to go to jail? PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT!" and hang up on her.

Monkeysee's picture

So he says the money would help, but then the county goes to collect the money & he buys her sob story & has them call it off? Your BF needs to get his priorities straight, and you need to separate finances stat.

If the BM isn't being held accountable to pay for her own GD children, then why on earth should you be contributing?  If you're paying half the living costs, stop.  Only pay your share. If you buy the kids anything, stop. BF can pay for it all, or he can go after the woman he created these kids with, who should be paying CS in the first place. Or, she can go to jail.

You can't control what he does (though you can kick up an absolute fuss, which I most definitely would be in your shoes), but you CAN withold your money from lining his pockets moving forward. What a dingbat.

Rags's picture

Time to deliver some painful clarity to your SO.  If he lets her off of the CS hook, he is gone.  His actions burden your family with support of the BM.  That would not be tolerable in my marriage.  He needs to let her suffer the consequences of her choices and in no way mitigate those consequences for her.

Fortuneately my bride would not even consider that crap.  

Good luck.