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BF's pregnant neice living with us!

autumn65's picture

I know i'm not a stepmom but i didn't know where to go to vent about this. I don't feel i should be in this position really. I live with my longterm bf we have been together for years we consider ourselves a married couple i hope that doesn't offend anyone. We have lived together for a long time. We have no kids. He comes from a very close knit family with alot of issues. His sibilings have kids and right now his brothers 18 yr old daughter has moved in with us. She moved in in Oct. she was 17 then because her father hit her and she called the cops and she had to come stay with us. A month later she found out she was pregnant. We have a small one bdrm apt. Our apt is very cramped already. Anyway i am upset about the situation. I really don't want her to be here. I have had people, friends of mine and people on another site tell me i'm being selfish, i'm wrong for feeling this way. They think i should be more nurturing and help her through this because she is probably scared and she needs support. Her mother died about 6 years ago she wasn't really in her life, she was in and out of it because she was an addict. Her father and my bf's family raised her. I feel bad for her but i don't want to be in this position. She is spoiled and demanding. She has this attitude like she is entitled to have things done for her and given to her that irritates me. She wasn't taught how to have manners how to respect people. She talks to her father and my bf and other uncles and aunts horribly, like they are one of her friends. She does not talk that way to me at least she hasn't yet. Plus she expects us to financially support her and constantly needs and asks for money for transportation, school, her hair, clothes. Her father hasn't given her or us any money since she got here. She acts like we are suppose to give her money. She can't work because she applied for welfare and if she works she won't get welfare, and the welfare has not kicked in yet. For the past month she was staying with her stepmother (her fathers exwife). She would come back once a week or so and ask my bf for money get some clothes and go back there and i was happy, not about the money part but the fact she wasn't here. Now they had an argument and she claims she left. She claims her stepmother was talking about her to her friends calling her a b*tch and saying she was kicking her out. Now she is back here. She goes to school 5:30 to 8:30 in the evening and is home Fri, Sat and Sun all day. I can't stand it. I am especially concerned about how she is going to take care of financially and any other way, a child when she wants to be and expects to be taken care of herself. I know this was a long rant and i'm sorry i just needed to vent about this. I don't know how to deal with this. It is coming between me and my bf too. He thinks i should be more supportive to her and i'm mad at her for putting us in this position.

Jsmom's picture

This is probably not the site for you. But, I will give you this advice. Kick her back to her Dad or the state can find her a foster family if she is underage. I would not tolerate this. If she is planning on keeping the baby, what is she going to do? Live with you? That is crazy. I get that we do for "family" but this girl is someone who takes and takes. It won't stop, it will get worse.

jenstep's picture

It would be nice if everyone in the world had an unlimited supply for altruism. It would also be nice if unicorns danced on every street corner. She is not your responsibility. She's 18. An adult. And really, truly - the most compassionate thing you can do for her is force her to learn how to live on her own. How does someone learn to be a responsible adult if they are allowed to be spongers? If you had a larger home, if you had more money, if she treated people better, maybe you'd have a bigger capacity for her shit. But as it is you are not being unreasonable to want this girl out. This is YOUR home and you get to have a say in what goes on there. Help this girl and help yourself by forcing her to find another living situation. And even if she can't "woman-up" and she ends up mooching off someone else...well, at least it's not you. Best of luck to you.

autumn65's picture

Thanks for your comments. I needed to know that there are people who can see things from my point of view and that i'm not wrong for feeling like i do. The thing is that when she came to me and told me she was pregnant she started crying and saying that she was disappointed in herself and that everyone was going to turn their backs on her and nobody was going to love her anymore. Then she asked if she could stay with us until she finished school in May (she is in a ged program), and i said yes because i felt cornered. I didn't want to say no i'm kicking you out while she was crying hysterically plus she was still 17 then. Now i kind of feel manipulated. Plus when i tell my bf she should work things out with her father and go back there since he is the only one with room and he is her father, he says he is afraid for her to go back there because his brother has a temper and my bf's neice has a mouth and he just feels something will go wrong. I don't know what the answer is but i don't think i can handle her here until May. She is really needy and just annoying and she acts younger than 18, she is very immature. She is in no way responsible or mature enough to raise a child. She doesn't know anything. She doesn't understand the value of a dollar. She doesn't know how much it costs to live or to even buy grocery's because she doesn't have bills. She just uses money for transportation and on herself. I told my bf this is not working she needs to go back to her father or somewhere else, this place is too small and i don't want a selfcentered needy teenager in my home. I don't want her tagging along with me everywhere i go or tagging along with us. When she first got here everytime we went anywhere she came along and then she started asking what we were going to do, if we were going out to eat and to what restaurant. Then she would want to order the most expensive meal. She just doesn't know any better, she does not know how to act. But its not my place to teach her right from wrong. Someone said to me, well she hasn't been taught you need to teach her and talk to her and spend time with her you may grow to like her company. I don't want to have to teach her anything and i don't want her company i'm sorry. Her father i think is happy with it because she is out of his hair. He hit her and now he doesn't have to be bothered with her and she has become our problem. My bf doesn't want his family to look at him badly because he turned his back on her. That is what they are going to think and they of course will say it was because of me. I'm the only one upset with the situation. If it was just my bf he would let her stay and continue taking care of her and letting her run things. But it is my home too and i don't feel i should have to live like this and be irritable all the time and uncomfortable in my own home. I keep the door to the bedroom closed because i don't want to talk, i want my space and if it is open she will come in and start talking. My bf gets an attitude and trys to keep it open so she won't feel bad. What about me? I am not in able to move out so that is not an option. I feel stuck in this mess.

stepgin's picture

Yep, you've been manipulated. I trust most teenagers as far as i can throw them! Her dad should NOT have hit her, but it sounds like you only have her word on what happened.
I would tell her that the ONLY way she can stay any longer is if she starts working full time. That will probably make her find someone else to mooch off of.
Now you kind of know how it feels to be a stepmother. Poor thing!

autumn65's picture

She is due the end of June. I just looked up unwed mother homes and found one nearby. I emailed them for more info and am going to talk to my bf about it because then she would get help after the baby is born with housing, school, parenting classes the whole nine. I had mentioned this once before and she said she didn't want to go to a place like that because she had a place to stay she wasn't homeless. But she is about to be in 5 months. She can't stay here. We don't have the room.

autumn65's picture

I told my bf about the unwed mother home i saw. I don't know if they have openings and i don't know all that much about it other than what it said on their site. They help with housing, school, training, jobs, day care, budgeting skills, cooking, parenting skills etc. This is something i think she needs. There are other young women with their children their and staff. It is run by the catholic church. This is just one place i saw. But i don't know what other options she has and no one is coming up with any other ideas. No one is even asking her what she is going to do. Everyone is acting like this baby isn't coming in less than 5 months. She obviously doesn't know what to do or how to go about getting housing and help. She is not facing reality and she is very immature. She said she was going to get a job and get a studio. She will not be able to afford a studio on her own working at the mall. Not here. She will not be able to afford to take care of herself and this child on a salary working at the mall or a restaurant. The rents and cost of living here is too high. People have roomates and 2 and 3 jobs. Trying to get into affordable housing is difficult, there are long waiting lists. And she is picky. She doesn't want to live in certain places which i don't blame her for that but in her situation she can't really be choosey. I wouldn't want to see her in a homeless shelter either because i know they are not where you want to be. That is why i feel a home for unwed mothers might be better. Her only other option is to stay at her fathers because he is the only one with a spare room. As far as her staying here until May I'm not happy about it. I can't lie. It's stressing me out having her here. I don't think she really wants to be here either because we get on her about stuff. She doesn't want to be anywhere where people are not doing what she wants them to do which is to just cater to her and not complain about anything. When she was staying mostly at her step moms, she would come here and ask for money because stepmom wasn't giving her any. Then she would talk about how great her stepmom is, my mom is helping me, she is going to take me here and do this for me. At christmas she came back and said my aunt bought me this and my grandma bought me that, they are so nice i love them. Meanwhile we had to buy her a winter coat and boots. My bf is always buying her something, plus we give her money for everything. But i don't even think she appreciates it because she acts like its our duty to take care of her. She pissed me off coming over here going on and on about her stepmom and everybody over there. She is the type that likes you when you can do for her. That is how she measures love it seems. So now that stepmom made her mad she comes over here and is telling me, well i told my stepmom i don't have to be here, i have family, i have my uncle. My uncle is there for me. Now all of a sudden its all about her uncle/my bf. Last night she stayed at her fathers. She didn't even call to say she wasn't coming home after school. As soon as he says something she doesn't like she'll be back over here bad mouthing him. I told my bf she bounces from place to place and everytime someone says something or does something she doesn't like she goes elsewhere. She never really seems to really appreciate anything anyone does. She acts like people owe her something. I told him, i don't think this is right that i have to deal with this. She is not a kid anymore, she is having her own kid and she has a father. She is not our responsibility. Plus someone needs to talk to her about what she is planning to do about this child how is she planning to take care of it? This weekend we are going to have to have a serious talk about it. And i'm going to make her understand that she can't count on us for financial support i'm sorry. Did i mention the father of the kid is in jail. Yup, and nobody knows when he'll be out. If she got into the unwed mother home at least she would have housing, and help and plus they would probably help her find permanent housing for herself and the baby. I told my bf if anyone else has another suggestion i would like to hear it. Somebody has to start making some plans.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

She needs to go. It's tough love. As long as everyone enables her, she'll take advantage of it. You are not responsible for her irresponsible behavior!!!! Whether or not she keeps the baby is her decision. Just don't let her keep it at YOUR house!